
  1. 卡罗:(萝莉开始再度运球)现在那样做十分钟

    Carol : [ Laurie starts dribbling again ] Now do that for ten minutes .

  2. 如果数学老师布置五道题,ChristiAnderson就会做十道。

    If her math teacher assigns five problems , Christi Anderson does ten .

  3. 不要忘了跟踪Twitter上的后续更多健康提示,那上面可以学到比在《男人健康》和《女人健康》做十年编辑还要多的东西。

    And don 't forget to follow me on Twitter for more quick-hit health tips that drawon everything I 've learned in more than a decade as editor for Men 's Health andWomen 's Health .

  4. 不少成功人士睡前会做十分钟的冥想。

    Many successful people use the 10 minutes before bed to meditate .

  5. 卡罗:现在那样做十分钟。

    Carol : Now do that for ten minutes .

  6. 每条腿重复做十次这种动作。

    Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg .

  7. 他一次可以做十个。

    He could do ten at a clip .

  8. 纳金斯基能做十次,但那种人一百年只能出现一个。

    Najinski could do ten , but that only happens once in a century .

  9. 你不需要端端正正地坐在那里冥想,只需要做十次深呼吸就可以帮助你放松了。

    It doesn 't need to be serious meditation & just 10 deep breaths to help you relax .

  10. 健康瘦身方法:宅女必做十个行动做个健康美丽的宅女哦。

    Healthy weight-loss methods : female house will do ten actions to be healthy and beautiful woman oh house .

  11. 坐下来、点上蜡烛、做十分钟的深呼吸让身心放松。

    Sitting down , lighting a candle and doing some deep breathing for ten minutes are all it takes to relax your mind and body .

  12. 然而,在我们没测量潜-,我会做十次摆动,得到一个合理,精确的结果-,我想要警告你们。

    However , before we start measuring it and I will do ten oscillations to get a reasonable , accurate result I want to warn you .

  13. 我年轻时注意到,我每做十件事有九件不成功,于是我就做了十倍的工作。

    When I was young I observed that nine out of every ten things I did were failures , so I did ten times more work .

  14. 那些被要求做十个正面特征的主人随后评价低一些接着就问,“为什么你对那个人评价低一点?”

    Subjects who were asked to do ten positive features and then later ranked the person lower and then asked ," Why did you rank the person lower ?"

  15. 在公司年度股东会议开始时,首席会计师都要做十分钟的讲话,对上一年的财务状况做一简要总结。

    EXAMPLE : At the start of our company 's annual owner 's meeting our chief accountant always presents a ten-minute recapitulation of the previous year 's financial history .

  16. 数年来我每天都会在起床后做十分钟瑜伽,但过去半年以来我一直感觉关节僵硬了。

    For years I 've been doing ten minutes of yoga every morning straight after I get up , but I 've been feeling stiffer over the past six months .

  17. 大家都看到了,在我做十大经典吸血鬼与狼人电影资料搜集的时候,我发现大部分电影榜单都是作者主观思想的结果。

    You see , while looking up lists of the top ten best vampire and werewolf movies I quickly learned that all of the movies listed were actually the writer 's opinion of the best movies out there .

  18. 灵活:如果你在公司做十年或以上,你可以不断变换岗位来提升自己。

    Flexibility : Most people who stay at a company for a decade or more progress through multiple increasingly challenging roles while they 're there . They typically try their hands at a variety of roles to help determine what they 're most passionate about .

  19. 皮特彼得森(PetePeterson)在1984年以前做了十年雷曼掌门人。他曾任尼克松政府的商务部长,是一位希望与欧洲和日本发展关系的谈判专家。

    Pete Peterson , head of Lehman Brothers for 10 years until 1984 , had served as commerce secretary in the Nixon administration and was a skilled negotiator who wanted to foster links with Europe and Japan .

  20. 你可以做什么十个黑点?

    What can you do with ten black dots ?

  21. 南森已经在这家“品味”餐车里面做了十年的厨师了。

    Nathan has worked as a cook at the Tastee Diner for ten years .

  22. 我们做了十年生意了。

    For10 years , we 've done business .

  23. 但是你的工作很好啊,而且你已经做了十年了。

    But you have a great job and you 've been working there for ten years .

  24. 仅仅做以上十道题目对测验和考试是不够的。

    It is not sufficient preparation for quizzes and exams to only solve the10 problems listed above .

  25. 因此,在做了十年技师之后,我找到了改变我生活的机会。

    So after a ten years as a Technician , I took the chance that would change my life .

  26. 那么确保不要做一下十件会毁灭关系的事情。1.给伤害性的评论。

    Then make sure not to commit the following 10 things that disrupt relationships : 1 . Giving hurtful comments .

  27. 你在什么时候拿起或阅读过一本书,写的是为了改变你的生活而需要做的十件事情?

    When did you last pick up or read a book about ten things you should do to change your life ?

  28. 围绕培育和发展战略性新兴产业,2011年安徽省主要做了十件大事。

    And has mainly fulfilled ten events which around the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries in the same year .

  29. 此外,一个男仆和一个女佣,都是在这个家里做了十年以上的老家人。

    The family was served by a man and a woman who had been with the Changs for over ten years .

  30. 多亏他我只做了十年过失杀人犯,不是要坐五十年牢的谋杀和非法占有罪。

    No , thanks to him I did ten years for negligent homicide , instead of fifty to life for murder and possession .