
zuò fàn
  • cook;cook a meal;do the cooking;prepare a meal;cook rice
做饭 [zuò fàn]
  • [cook;prepare a meal] 烹制饭菜;把生粮做成熟食

  • 下班回家先做饭

  1. 如果你做饭,我就洗碗。

    If you cook , I 'll do the washing-up .

  2. 请你在做饭时随手收拾干净。

    When you cook , could you please tidy up after yourself .

  3. 他看不起诸如做饭之类的“女人的”活儿。

    He was scornful of such ‘ female ’ activities as cooking .

  4. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。

    I tie back my hair when I 'm cooking .

  5. 我弄孩子上床睡觉时你做饭行吗?

    Can you get dinner while I put the kids to bed ?

  6. 我不喜欢做饭时你在一旁盯着我。

    I don 't like you standing over me while I 'm cooking .

  7. 他喜欢在外面做饭。

    He likes to cook in the open air .

  8. 他必须自己做饭。

    He has to cook his own meals .

  9. 孩子们似乎以为我只配做饭洗衣!

    The children seem to think I 'm only fit for cooking and washing !

  10. 该你做饭了。

    It 's your turn to cook dinner .

  11. 轮到谁做饭了?

    Whose turn is it to cook ?

  12. 我丈夫把做饭全包了下来。

    My husband does all the cooking .

  13. 因为不用给孩子做饭,我们就可以自便了。

    There were no children to cook for , so we could just please ourselves .

  14. 我们做饭前祷告吧。

    Let 's say grace .

  15. 他会做饭吗?

    Can he cook ?

  16. 丹做饭总是全份的:三道菜,外加一道甜食。

    When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards , with three courses and a choice of dessert .

  17. 和他们同住的还有玛丽·伯琳达,她负责做饭和打扫卫生。

    With them also lived Mary Burinda , who cooked and cleaned

  18. 我妈妈过去常帮忙给孩子做饭。

    My mum used to help cook the meals for the children

  19. 可以自己做饭的公寓一般留给研究生住。

    The self-catering flats are usually reserved for postgraduate students .

  20. 我认为做饭和料理家务微不足道,一下子就能搞定。

    I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant , easy tasks .

  21. 罗丝不太会做饭,更不会当母亲。

    Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother .

  22. 塔妮娅做饭,上菜,还收拾了餐具。

    Tania cooked , served , and cleared away .

  23. 很重要的一点是要把煤块烧到白热状再开始做饭。

    It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking .

  24. 我做饭,你看报纸。

    I 'll cook and you read the paper .

  25. 做饭的香味可以传到家里的各个角落。

    Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house .

  26. 那么,谁来做饭、洗衣、缝补呢?

    Who will then do the cooking , the washing , the mending ?

  27. 我得去做饭了。

    I have to go and cook the dinner

  28. 妈妈忙的时候爸爸做饭,他还让我清理我乱糟糟的房间。

    Dad cooks when Mum is busy , he makes me clean up my messy room

  29. 每个人都帮着做饭。

    Everybody shares in the cooking chores .

  30. 我做饭的时候已经不怎么使用黄油,而是换成了橄榄油。

    I made a switch from butter to olive oil for much of my cooking .