
  1. 想要知道如何做生鱼片,但不知道从何下手?

    Want to know how to make Sashimi but don 't know where to start ?

  2. 你要到专门的鱼市去购买,并告诉他们你买鱼是为了做生鱼片。

    Purchase your fish from a fish specialist and tell them that you are buying it for Sashimi .

  3. 吞拿鱼比青花海产鱼更好,更加适合做生鱼片,因为它所含的污染物比如汞比较少。

    Chunk-light tuna is preferable to albacore or sushi , because it usually contains fewer contaminants , such as mercury .

  4. 25岁的夏恩热爱韩国K-pop组合和韩剧,后来在去韩国做交换生期间,他开始痴迷于拥有韩国人的面孔。

    Xiahn , 25 , has a love for ' K-pop ' and Korean dramas and became obsessed with looking like the locals during his time as an exchange student in the country .

  5. 牛津贫困与人类发展项目主任萨比娜.阿丽吉尔在做研究生时曾为获得一张WDI数据光盘倍感幸运。

    Sabina Alkire , director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative , felt lucky to be given a CD-rom with WDI data while a graduate student .

  6. 您喜欢牛排做得生一点,中等程度,还是老一点?

    Would you like your steak rare , medium or well-done ?

  7. 去年暑假我在那个饭店做服务生。

    I worked as a waiter in that restaurant last summer holiday .

  8. 谁会做醒酒生鸡蛋?

    Who knows how to make a prairie oyster ?

  9. 我想去巴黎做交换生。

    I wanted to be an aupair in Paris .

  10. 我一个朋友见过她做服务生

    A friend of mine saw her waiting tables

  11. 做高中生的家教怎么样?

    What about tutoring high school kids ?

  12. 先生,您要牛排做得生些、半生还是熟些?

    Sir , would you like your steak rare , medium or well ? done ?

  13. 如果“做侍应生”是在一项长远的策略中的一步棋,那可没什么不光彩的。

    There 's no disgrace in waiting tables if it 's part of a long-term strategy .

  14. 回去做侍应生?

    Going back to waitressing ?

  15. 那好,我是说我们要给他们惊喜以预订浪漫晚餐的方式也行。然后我们可以做服务生伺候他们啊

    I think we should surprise them.And order a romantic dinner.Then we can serve it to them like waiters .

  16. 做互惠生后让我成为一个更优秀的人,并让我永生难忘。

    To become an Au pair changed me to a better person and I will never forget my year .

  17. 想做服务生养家糊口吗?千万不要选择旧金山或者西雅图哦。

    Want to make a living out of becoming a waiter or waitress ? Then don 't move to San Francisco or Seattle .

  18. 还有一位是能做粘稠生面团、让我看足球、睡觉时呜咽、踢腿的大豆原料隔绝材料安装工。

    Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep .

  19. 例外:如果员工既做接线生同时也做预定员,因已问候过来电者,则此条不适用。

    Exceptions : Will not apply if the staff member who answered the main telephone line also takes the booking and has already greeted the caller .

  20. 而且真正的好消息是,和妈妈住以及去餐厅做侍应生的日子她没过多久。

    And the really good news is , she didn 't have to waitress or live with her mom for very long . Three months and she was gone .

  21. 为工匠做见习生,低薪或免费学习技能,获得信任。有机会的时候你就会得到推荐。

    Apprentice yourself to a tradesman , working for low wages or for free to learn skills in a field , and earn the trust that leads to referrals when opportunity knocks .

  22. 为了支付房租,我不得不在晚上到餐厅做服务生。现在,终于苦尽甘来,我在一家保险公司谋得一份差事,待遇甚至比之前那份工作更好。

    It took almost two years of pounding the pavement by day and waiting tables at night just to pay the rent , but I now have an even better job at an insurance company .

  23. 他可能依然戴着眼镜,一脸羞涩,靠着在剧场洗手间做服务生过日子,并经常做着飞黄腾达的美梦,并就此度过一生。

    He still may wear glasses , one face is bashful , recumbent the service is done to be born in theatrical closet get along , often making make a meteoric rise fond dream , spend lifetime at this point .

  24. 当我开始时(做研究生时),我花大量的时间来思考如何回答一个问题,我能设计一个什么样的精巧实验来回答这个问题,这个答案意味着什么,诸如此类的。

    When I started , I spent a lot of time thinking about how to answer a question , and what would be a clever experiment I could design to answer this question , and what does the answer mean , and so on .

  25. 我当学生时做过侍应生。

    I did some waitressing when I was a student .

  26. 做女服务生是一份没有前途的工作。

    Waitressing was a dead-end job .

  27. 我做过服务生,甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。

    I waited on tables , and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall .

  28. 第两,基于CMM模型念惟和上维密长集类剖析方式,树立企业信做化败生度模型框架。

    Secondly , based on the CMM model and cluster analysis methods , establish enterprise information maturity model .

  29. Koyama用当地的鱼和芥末酱来做寿司和生鱼片。

    Mr. Koyama uses local fish and locally grown wasabi in his sushi and sashimi .

  30. 在上大学的时候,他做着服务生的工作。

    He worked as a waiter while attending university .