
  1. 只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。

    As long as I deliver the goods , my boss is very happy .

  2. 你应力求永远做好本职工作。

    You should always aim at doing your job well .

  3. PeterStevens最近写了篇文章,想办法帮助产品负责人意识到当发现自身问题的时候到哪里去寻找答案,也为他们如何做好本职工作提了一些建议。

    A recent post by Peter Stevens attempts to help Product Owners to know what to look for if they wondering how they 're doing , and provides a quick list of tips to help them do a better job .

  4. 我们应该牢记自己的使命,做好本职工作。

    We should remember our mission and do our duties well .

  5. 航海经验是他们做好本职工作的关键。

    Seamanship skills are a vital part of their job .

  6. 你是内应,我只是做好本职工作

    You were the infiltrator . I was just doing my job .

  7. 我只想做好本职工作,和大家和睦相处。

    I just want to do my job and get along with everyone .

  8. 可能在教他们怎样做好本职工作。

    Probably telling them how to do their job .

  9. 我将努力做好本职工作。

    I will exert myself in my job .

  10. 按关键才能评核工作表现的制度航海经验是他们做好本职工作的关键。

    Core competencies appraisal system Seamanship skills are a vital part of their job .

  11. 只要确认她是否做好本职工作

    just make sure she 's following protocol .

  12. 那你为什么不做好本职工作去传话呢

    Why don 't you do your job , and pass on my request .

  13. 教师应该做好本职工作,不要奢求家长的任何金钱利益。

    The teachers should do their job without expecting any monetary benefits from parents .

  14. 他们只是做好本职工作。他们履行自己的责任。

    They just do their jobs .

  15. 新业务员全面熟悉业务流程是做好本职工作的起码条件。

    To know better about operation flow is the base for new salesman doing good job .

  16. 他们只是坚持不懈他们只是做好本职工作他们履行自己的责任他们不放弃

    They just persevere They just do their jobs They meet their responsibilities.They don 't quit .

  17. 做为其中的一员,我将认真的做好本职工作执着地前行!

    As one of them , I will do a serious dedication to their jobs & ahead !

  18. 我只是个小隔间里上班族,一个努力做好本职工作的人。

    I am just a person in a cubicle , and I am doing the best I can , ma'am .

  19. 央行召开的银行负责人会议,并提供一些关于如何做好本职工作的友好建议。

    The central bank convenes a meeting of bank heads and offers some friendly advice on how to do their jobs .

  20. 首先,找出你的老板对你的希望是什么,然后,想尽方法做好本职工作之外做出高水平,超范围的表现。

    Find out what the boss wants from you first , and then brainstorm ways to go above and beyond the call of duty .

  21. 你简单的通过“专利数上升”去假定专利局仅仅是在敲敲图章而不是做好本职工作。

    You take a single number " patents are up " and assume they are just rubber stamping them and not doing their jobs .

  22. 通过参观学习提高自身认识,拓宽思路,产生构想,为做好本职工作奠定了基础,增强了信心。

    Through visited the field and studied , the author enhanced the awareness , broadened insight and recognition and encouraged the confidence to finish duty .

  23. 介绍了高空气象测报的意义,对高空气象测报工作者如何做好本职工作进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces the significance of high-altitude weather forecasting , and probes into how the high-altitude weather forecasting personnel to do well their works .

  24. 公认有潜力的员工可以通过暂时承担职位义务和责任来培养自己的知识和经验,而不是做好本职工作。

    An employee of recognized potential can develop his knowledge and experience by temporarily assuming duties and responsibilities of positions , other than his own .

  25. 我有青春的资本,我也相信我能做好本职工作,有信心能为贵公司带来更多的利润!

    I have the youth of the capital , I believe I can do a good job , can bring more profits to your company !

  26. 不管自觉与否,如果想把与同事或顾客的冲突最小化,他们还得按时做好本职工作。

    Spontaneous or not , they still have to do their work well and on time if they want to minimize conflict with their colleagues or customers .

  27. 它不仅是导游做好本职工作的心理基础,更是打造一支高素质、有凝聚力的导游队伍的必然要求。

    It is not only the psychological basis of doing their job well , but also an inevitable requirement of building a high-quality , cohesive tour guide team .

  28. 若贵公司能录用我,我将尽心尽力做好本职工作,努力配合一切工作。

    I will do self 's utmost to do self 's own job well if your company can employ me , job making great efforts to coordinate everything .

  29. 其次在做好本职工作的前提下,可以找一些跨部门跨地域的工作来摆脱他的控制。

    To make up for this , you can find some transregional or interdepartmental work to do in addition to your regular duties and find more opportunities by yourself .

  30. 林先生认为,遇到监管机构或政府不能有效地做好本职工作的情况,为公众提供可以解决更复杂问题的工具,就赋予了他们做更多事情的能力。

    The ability to tackle more complex problems gives people the ability to do more in situations where regulators or governments do not do their jobs effectively , according to Mr. Lin.