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  1. 自己做酸奶很麻烦,不值得。

    Making your own yogurt is more trouble than it 's worth .

  2. 经生产性能鉴定和遗传性状实验,获得两株适宜做酸奶发酵剂的nisin抗性嗜热链球菌9.31和9.4。

    The two nisin-resistant Streptococcus thermophilus strains 9.31 and 9.4 , fit for two yogurt culture were gained and assayed by production performance identification and genetic stability test .

  3. 我要弄清怎样做酸奶。

    I would like to find out about making yoghurt .

  4. 他正在向他的同学演示如何做酸奶。

    He is showing his classmates how to make yoghurt .

  5. 要做酸奶首先选择你的酵母酸奶。

    To make yogurt , first choose your starter yogurt .

  6. 丹尼参观了乳品厂,他学到了怎样做酸奶。

    Danny has visited the dairy and he has learned how to make yohgurt .

  7. 实际上,它们还介绍了很多很多新步骤,包括做酸奶。

    In fact , they introduced many , many new steps , including making yogurt .

  8. 新妈妈在休息时间做酸奶的另一个可靠小贴士是:一定不要在同一天烤面包,否则酸奶会被空气中的酵母微粒入侵。

    Another hot tip for the new mom making yogurt in her down time : Make sure you don 't bake bread on the same day , lest the yogurt is invaded by airborne yeast particles .

  9. 原来如此我还以为是“我做了酸奶”

    Oh-hhh ! I thought it was " I made yogurt . "

  10. 能用鸡肉做俄罗斯酸奶牛肉吗?

    Can you make beef strogan off with chicken ?

  11. 就是那个曾给你做冰酸奶的家伙。

    And that frogurt guy , the guy who used to make frozen yogurt .

  12. 而且由于它是一个很好的钙源,人们对骨质疏松症的风险会做好吃酸奶至少每天。

    And because it is such an excellent source of calcium , people at risk for osteoporosis would do well to eat at least one yogurt per day .

  13. 你同样可以用特百惠的密封盒来做一些酸奶。先往里面倒入一些香草酸奶,然后再放入等量的新鲜水果、果酱。如果你愿意的话,还可以加入一些蜂蜜。(酸奶、草莓、蜂蜜是最好的东西)。

    The same little Tupperware that worked for fruit cups can be filled from a tub of vanilla yogurt with the exact amount of fresh fruit , jam and honey you want your kid to eat ( yogurt , strawberries and honey is the best thing ever ) .

  14. 他正用少量酸奶做更多的酸奶。

    He is using a little yoghurt to make more yoghurt .