
  1. 王凯(音译)和她的朋友们乐于发觉最新的中国地方菜餐馆:一家位于伦敦东部专营中国西北菜的小餐馆,或是一家位于伦敦桥旁的餐馆提供「麻辣小龙虾」。

    Kai Wang and her friends like to sniff out the latest regional Chinese restaurants : a tiny cafe in east London specialising in food from China 's north-east , or one near London Bridge serving numbing and hot crayfish .

  2. 自此以后,湖南菜、丰盛的西北或东北菜也开始享受起了其在中国烹饪风尚中引人注目的时代。

    Since then , Hunanese food and the hearty cooking of the north-eastern or Dongbei region have also enjoyed their time in the limelight of Chinese culinary fashion .