
  1. 主料银鲳腌渍味,拍上干淀粉制成菜,蘸花椒盐进食。

    Ingredients silver pomfret pickled flavor , making the dry starch vegetables , flowers Salt and pepper dip eating .

  2. 土豆颜色炸得很深,表面粗糙不平地附着着用孜然粒、干辣椒、花椒、盐,甚至有可能还有味精混合而成的干香辛料。

    They are dark and ragged with a dry spice mix of coarsely ground cumin , roasted dried chiles , Sichuan peppercorns , salt and maybe MSG .

  3. 它也是用红辣椒做成的,还混合了花椒、蚕豆、盐和一些像秘方的东西。

    It is maked by red pepper too , and mixed with some green pepper , broad bean , salt and something like secret recipe .