
huā huǒ
  • Fireworks;petard
  1. 这两种观点的结果是,你不会经营感情,而爱的花火也会很快熄灭。

    The outcome of both views is that you don 't work at your relationship and quickly get burnt out .

  2. 所有那些模糊不清的,难以回想的梦,那些美丽的花火和呼吸的气息,伴随着每一首歌曲缓缓流泻而入。

    All the intangibles , the clusive dreams , the fire and breath that accompanies each song that you sing , streams in .

  3. 因为有人没有花园还有因为放花火有点儿危险,英国的学校经常请学生把爸妈来看一些花火。

    As some people don 't have gardens and also because fireworks are dangerous , English schools often invite their students to come and watch a firework display .

  4. 我儿子们的小年,我和太太也买,请一些好朋友来放花火,还有吃饭。

    When my boys were small my wife and I used to buy fireworks and invite some good friends round to set them off and also to eat .