
  • 网络ernst faber;Faber, Ernst;Ernest Faber
  1. 花之安是19世纪德国新教传教士。

    Ernst Faber ( 1839-1899 ) was a Protestant missionary from Germany .

  2. 他为西方了解中国及中国学习西方作出了相应的贡献,在中西文化交流史上留下了汉学家花之安的名字。

    He left his footprint in Western understanding of China and Chinese study of the West . Faber is an important scholar in the area of Sino-Western cultural communication .

  3. 德国传教士花之安的《中国音乐理论》是十九世纪下半叶有限几部介绍中国音乐理论的英文著述之一。

    Written in the late1860s by the German missionary Ernst Faber ," The Theory of Chinese Music " was one of few early attempts to explain Chinese lulu to Western readers .

  4. 历史上,传教士四次来华,基督教却始终游离于中国主流文化之外,很多传教士认识到儒学是造成这一情况的重要因素,德国新教传教士花之安就是其中之一。

    In the history of China , there were four times that Christianity came to China , but Christianity was still excluded from the mainstream culture in China . Many missionaries realized that Confucianism was an important factor in this situation , and one of them was Ernst Faber .