
  • 网络oral language
  1. 概括了教师对幼儿进行口头言语评价的缘起以及本研究的理论与实践意义。

    Summarized the teacher to carry on the oral language evaluation to the baby the origin as well as this research theory and the practice significance .

  2. 在信息化时代的今天,大众获得资讯的工具已不仅是刻写的文字和口头言语,而是更加快捷的大众传媒。

    In this age of information , the public get access to information not only through written or oral language , but also through the more efficient mass media .

  3. 幼儿口头言语发展的调查研究

    Investigations On The Development Of The Oral Speech Qf Preschool Children

  4. 俄语口头言语修辞特点分析

    An Analysis of the Rhetoric Characteristics of Oral Russian

  5. 留学生汉语口头言语交际能力的层次及其训练标准

    Levels of overseas students ' communicative competence in spoken Chinese and the relative training criteria

  6. 口头言语之使用要依交际对象、目的、场合、手段等为依据,将语言内、外因素结合起来考察。

    The use of oral language ought to be based on the object , purpose , environment and means of communication and checked by both the internal and external factors of a language .

  7. 家庭成员的沟通方式是口头和非言语之间交换信息的家人(爱泼斯坦等人。,1993)。

    Family communication is the way verbal and non-verbal information is exchanged between family members ( Epstein et al . , 1993 ) .

  8. 一般地说,文字诽谤是指用印刷品、图画和其官任何有形标记来破坏名誉,而口头诽谤是用言语破坏名誉。

    Generally , libel refers to defamation in print , picture or any other visual symbols , while slander is spoken defamation .

  9. 利用语言实验室的记录功能提高口头交际能力非言语因素在史诗《玛纳斯》口头传承中的作用

    Using the Language Lab to Teach Communicative Competence ; Non-Verbal Behavior Plays an Important Role in the Oral Carrying of the Epic Manas

  10. 在刑事司法实践中,各类政治、刑事、经济、民事等案件中常会出现一些口头或书面的言语材料线索或证据,其中包含着众多的语言学问题。

    In the practice of criminal judicial cases , political , criminal , economic and civil cases often have some oral or written language clues or evidences , including various linguistic problems .

  11. 当文本的概念进入语文教学,成为教学文本后,广义上,指师生在教学过程中接触到的所有口头、书面的言语材料。

    The concept of " text " enters the Chinese teaching and becomes " teaching text ", in a broad sense , it means all oral and written language materials which are contacted by teacher and students in the teaching process .