
  1. 你用口吹角吧。

    Set the trumpet to thy mouth .

  2. 很可能,这种材料是从大到一个较小的火山口吹。

    It is likely that this material was blown into the smaller crater from the larger one .

  3. 首先制造口吹部件,藉由以一个固定的角度切割坚硬的一端形成,然后削圆为抛物线的形状。

    The mouthpiece is done first , formed by cutting the solid end at a fixed angle and then rounding it to a parabolic shape .

  4. 他觉得这是做口吹乐器的好材料,於是爬下桥,将骨头捡了起来。他用骨头给自己的号角做了个吹口。

    Thinking that it would make a good mouthpiece , he climbed down , picked it up , and then carved out of it a mouthpiece for his horn .

  5. 一日,有仙风道骨一老者,手挥神鞭,将怪物赶入洞中,遂口吹仙气,沙石飞走,红尘漫天,瞬间将洞口封堵。

    As saying in Chinese legend , one elder drove this monster into cavity , and then blew air into cavity , this cavity is blocked with stone and sand immediately .

  6. 这件衣服从外观上看就是件普通又舒适的连帽衫。但衣服的风帽里藏有一个可充气的人体工学颈枕,只要对着吹气口吹吹气就能马上撑起来。

    From the outside , it looks like regular comfy hoodie , but on the inside there is a hidden inflatable , ergonomic neck pillow that can be blown up through a nozzle on the inside of the hood .

  7. 每下压患者胸部15次,向患者口中吹两次气。

    Breath two times into the victim 's mouth for every fifteen times you push down on the chest .

  8. 冷爆口机是吹制玻璃器皿加工生产线的主要组成部分。

    Polishing machine is the primary part of glassware 's product line .

  9. 超音速轴对称进气道唇口分离流吹除及其动态畸变源相干分析

    The Blowing-off of the Lip Separation of an Axisymmetric Supersonic Inlet and the Analysis of the Coherence of Dynamic Distortion of the Inlet

  10. 并对唇口分离流吹除和吸除之后,进气口再附着点下游截面上的总压脉动压力均方根值分布及功率谱密度-频率特性进行了比较。

    S. distribution of the total pressure fluctuation and its power spectrum density downstream of the lip separation reattachment point with and without lip separation blowing and suction are also made in this paper .

  11. 科学的吹奏口形应该是逼紧的,只有逼紧的吹奏口形才能产生有力的“口劲”,有力的“口劲”才能吹出最佳的笛子音色。

    Scientific lip-rounding for playing flute is narrow and approach to the flute so as to produce great mouth strength and better timbre .