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  • 网络Gongsun Long;Kung-sun Lung
  1. 公孙龙的白马论无论在汉语文献还是在西方汉学研究中都有丰富的诠释传统。

    There are abundant discussions on Kung-Sun lung 's White Horse , whether in Chinese or western literature .

  2. 不少今哲颇褒公孙龙的白马非马(P)论题,而冯友兰大师则较为跟随古哲,颇贬P。

    Quite a few contemporary philosophers approve Gong Sun-long 's " A white horse is not a horse " claim ( P ), yet Master Feng You-lan rather follow the ancient philosophers-disapproving ( P ) .

  3. 公孙龙还提出了名实相符的方法和标准。

    The Gongsun Long also methods and standards worthy of the name .

  4. 几天以后,公孙龙和他的几个朋友去旅行。

    Some days later , Gong and his followers went on a trip .

  5. 没过多久,公孙龙和他的门客一起出外游玩。

    Not long afterwards , Gongsun and his followers went on a journey .

  6. 公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。

    Gong was very satisfied with the new follower .

  7. 公孙龙听了,就转身问他旁边的门客:你们有谁善于叫喊?

    Then Gong turned to his followers and asked , Who is good at shouting ?

  8. 公孙龙有一天到魏公子牟的家去,请公子牟帮忙解开他心中的疑虑。

    Gongsun Long paid a visit to Mou , prince of the State of Wei , and asked him to solve his bewilderment .

  9. 战国时期,赵国有位名士叫公孙龙。

    Gong sun Long , is a famous scholar lived in the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period ( 475-221BC ) .

  10. 本文在对先秦语言学思想进行概论的基础上,着重对公孙龙的语言学思想进行了研究讨论。

    In this paper , based on the introduction of Confucianism and linguistic ideology , focused on the linguistic ideology of Gongsun Long research and discussion .

  11. 但公孙龙对名之用法的理解与诸子(尤以墨家、荀子为代表)又有不同。

    But there were different views on the use of the Ming between Kong-sun Long and other Scholars ( especially represented by Mohist , Hsun Tzu ) .

  12. 如今可用于分析的门客群体的文学作品唯有《吕氏春秋》,狭义门客个体有公孙龙留下的《公孙龙子》一作。

    What can be applied to analysis for the group of literature is only " Lu Spring and Autumn ", and individuals only left " Kung-sun lung Tzu " by Gong sun Long .

  13. 先秦学者讨论名实问题,主要是为了归正名实散乱引起的政治社会生活问题和理论问题,公孙龙也不例外。

    Pre-Qin scholars to discuss the name and reality issue , mainly due to scattered to Reformed proper name of political and social life and theoretical issues , Gongsun Long is no exception .

  14. 公孙龙关于名和指的理论,对应着概念的这两个方面,才能代表我们今天所说的概念。

    Gong sun Long on the " Names " and " Means " theory , corresponding to the concept of these two aspects , can represent the word " concept " we said today .

  15. 公孙龙认为名实之间应该具备一一对应的确定关系,这种关系正是语言符号形式与意义结合时的语义确定性原则。

    The Gongsun Long think should have one to one to determine the relationship between name and reality , this relationship is the language of symbolic form and meaning of the semantic uncertainty principle .