
ɡōnɡ ɡào bǎn
  • bulletin board
  1. BBS(BulletinBoardSystem,电子公告板)是目前Internet上一种主要的信息交流和发布的平台。

    BBS ( bulletin board system ) is one of the most popular platform of information exchange and publish on the Internet nowadays .

  2. 我在为那个公告板照相。

    I 've been taking some pictures for the bulletin board .

  3. 采用CGI技术的Web电子公告板

    Using CGI to create BBS based on the web BULLETIN BOARD

  4. 用ASP和SqlServer7.0建立电子公告板

    Using ASP and SQL Server 7.0 to Build BBS

  5. 这个职位公告板应用程序会在启动时打开一个索引和一个详细视图,它们可以通过以下的URL映射进行访问

    The job board application will start with an index and detail view that are accessed through these URL mappings

  6. 将军集团OA系统主要实现了电子邮件、收发文管理、会议管理、公告板等功能。

    The General Group OAS has implemented such functions as E-mail , management of receiving and sending document , session management , callboard and so on .

  7. 介绍了一种多Agent设计系统中的协作方法,提出了支持动态任务分配的公告板机制以及设计过程中的冲突协调方法。

    In this paper , a cooperative design approach in a multi-agent design system is introduced and a form of Bulletin Board that supports dynamic task assignation and a kind of conciliatory approach when conflict occurs in design are presented .

  8. 该系统将实现IBoard规范中的公告板、告示贴、联系记录、工作日程表、周报管理和流动资产管理六大功能模块。

    The system will realize six functional modules , such as bulletin board , notice board , contact information , work arrangement , weekly report , and management of current assets with reference to specifications observed on I Board .

  9. Ryan指出说:在你签下任何证书培训课程前,去求职公告板上确定这是否是雇主所需要的。

    Ryan reveals , Before you sign up for a certification training program , check the job boards to make sure that employers are asking for it .

  10. Pinterest拥有一系列视觉效果极佳的数字公告板,于是自然成了我们组织这番搜索的工具。

    Pinterest the visually stunning collection of digital pin boards has become the logical organizing tool for the search .

  11. 港交所上市科主管狄勤思(markdickens)表示,若“披露易”网站周四仍不稳定,将使用电子公告板发布信息,但相关股票不会停牌。

    If the website remains unstable on Thursday , the bulletin board will be used to disseminate information but stocks will be not suspended , said Mark Dickens , head of listing at HKEx .

  12. 广告业高管表示,上周在纽约上市的人人网(renren)facebook在中国的翻版,在2009年就已经超过在线电子公告板,成为中国在线营销领域的中流砥柱。

    Advertising executives say that in 2009 Renren , the Chinese Facebook clone that listed in New York last week , became the mainstay of online marketing in China , overtaking online bulletin boards .

  13. 本文通过对我国旅游专业的现状分析,认为电子公告板(BBS)的形式适用于旅游学术讨论,将成为旅游教育和研究发展的一个好的辅助工具;

    With a comprehensive understanding of current condition of tourism education in China , this paper holds the view that BBS is suitable for tourism academic discussion and will assist to improve tourism education and the related research .

  14. 公告板上简明地列出了沃尔特·迪斯尼(WaltDisney)、发明家詹姆斯·瓦特(JamesWatt)、无线电先驱古列尔莫·马可尼(GuglielmoMarconi)等来自不同领域的榜样的履历,还阐述了玩具制造商美泰(Mattel)是如何把芭比娃娃变成昂贵藏品的。

    The display offered brief biographies of an eclectic set of role models - including Walt Disney , the inventor James Watt and the radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi - and explained how the toy manufacturer Mattel has turned Barbie dolls into valuable collector 's items .

  15. 我在公告板上看到了一个广告

    I saw a notice on the bulletin board at the embassy

  16. 现今的中间件能很好地处理常见问题,但在特殊情况的处理上就有所不足了。对大多数公告板或电子邮件列表,还是采取订阅流程。

    Take the subscription process for most bulletin boards or email lists .

  17. 我已经在公告板上贴出通知了

    I just put the notice up on the board .

  18. 在学校的公告板上公告,在我的允许下。

    From the school board , of which I am the head .

  19. 你儿子的照片没有贴在公告板上,是吧

    Your son 's not up there , is he ?

  20. 横向滑板回转工作台挂在剧院后台的公告板。

    Cross slide circular table a bulletin board backstage in a theater .

  21. 当时,斯波勒在索引卡片上写下了一句话“你有很大的潜力”,没想到马宏升将这张卡片钉到了自己办公室的公告板上。

    Maloney pinned the card to a bulletin board in his office .

  22. 你让我解释公告板上的工作?

    You want me to explain how the Job Bulletin Board works ?

  23. 在这个地区的机场,航班信息公告板变成红色的。

    In the region 's airports , flights information boards have gone red .

  24. 建立了采用公告板技术的常规粒子系统的基本框架。

    A basic frame of particle system with billboarding technique is constructed first .

  25. 这个新闻公告板是为学生服务的。

    The News Bulletin Board is for the students'work .

  26. 挂在剧院后台的公告板。

    A bulletin board backstage in a theater .

  27. 这是学校的公告板

    there 's a school announcement board here .

  28. 噢,真的吗?哪个电子公告板?

    Oh , really ? Which bulletin board ?

  29. 这个新闻公告板是做什么用的呢?

    What 's this news bulletin board for ?

  30. 公告板上有您要乘坐车次的候车室编号。

    The notice board will tell you which waiting room you need for your train .