
  • 网络Public education funding;Public educational appropriations;Public expenditure on education
  1. 确定公共教育经费占GDP比重的依据&基于计量经济学理论的数学模型分析

    The Basis of Determining the Proportion between Public Educational Appropriations and GDP : An Econometric Analysis of Mathematical Models

  2. AJDuffy:“过去两年半至三年里,我们的公共教育经费损失了200亿美元。”

    AJ DUFFY : " In the past two and a half to three years , we have lost twenty billion dollars in funding for public education . "

  3. 义务教育阶段占有公共教育经费分配的比重越大,则公共教育的资源分配越趋于公平。

    The more share in public educational funding the period of compulsory education has , the more fair the public educational resources distribute .

  4. 民办教育的发展,有助于实现教育投资主体和教育融资渠道的多元化,弥补国家公共教育经费的不足;

    The development of non-governmental education helps accomplish the diversity of channels of educational investment and educational money raising , make up for the shortage of the national educational expenditure ;

  5. 中国近代教育财政汲取能力逐渐增强,近代公共教育经费主要源于地方教育经费,在财政中所占比例较低,教育财政规模小;

    Along with the gradual strengthening of educational authority 's capacity for collecting funds , the funds for public education mainly come from local government 's allocation but in lower percentage .

  6. 其次,要完善以县为主的农村义务教育投资和管理体制,保障公共教育经费投入,建立依法保障教育投入的长效机制;

    Second , the Rural Compulsory Education investment and management system of county oriented must be strengthened and made perfect . Through it the public education finical system can be warranted .

  7. 我国政府对于学前教育的财政经费尚未达到公共教育经费的5%,对欠发达地区的民族学前教育也无明显的倾斜。

    The reality indicated that the government not yet achieves the public education funds regarding the preschool education financial funds 5 % , to owes developed local the national preschool education also not obvious incline .

  8. 中东和北非地区的公共教育经费比任何其他发展中国家集中的地区都高,可是它的青少年文盲率也是世界上最高的。

    The Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) region spends more on public education than any other developing region , and yet it has some of the highest rates of youth illiteracy in the world .

  9. 所以这从一个角度说明了老挝教育投资对经济增长的贡献跟其他国家比还是比较低的水平;⑥东盟国家各国公共教育经费占国内生产总值的比例。

    So this in a way that the Lao education investment to economic growth contribution than with other countries or lower level . ⑥ the ratio of public spending on education in GDP in countries of ASEAN group .

  10. 我国是发展中国家,以仅占世界公共教育经费总数1.4%的财力,支撑着占世界学历教育人口22.9%的庞大教育体系。

    As a developing country with its financial power accounting for 1.4 % of the world pubic education fund , China has supported an enormous educational system in which the population of academic education takes up 22.9 % of the world .

  11. 第三种是政府购买私立教育服务,政府将部分公共教育经费以学券的形式发给学生,或直接补助给私立学校,从而帮助学生进入私立学校就读。

    The third is government purchasing private education . The government grants part of education fund to students in the form of vouchers or to private schools in the form of subsidies aimed at assisting students to attend private schools . The forth is outsourcing of services .

  12. 亚洲开发银行指出,印度尼西亚现在花在燃料补贴方面的资金已经超过了公共卫生和教育经费的总和。

    The ADB says that Indonesia , for example , spends more on fuel subsidies than on public health and education combined .