
  • 网络Educational lottery;NCEL
  1. 通过发行教育彩票,以寻求缓解教育经费投入不足的途径,这不失为一种良策。

    Issuing education lottery tickets may serve as a good way .

  2. 关于发行教育彩票的理性思考

    Rational Thoughts on the Issue of Educational Lottery

  3. 通过发行教育彩票筹措资金,缓解我国教育所面临的经费不足问题,具有其必要性和可行性。

    Issuing educational lottery tickets has its possibility and feasibility in financing the education of China .

  4. 发行教育彩票是解决这一问题的有效途经之一。

    Therefore , issuing educational lottery tickets is one of the effective solutions to this problem .

  5. 浅谈教育彩票

    On Educational Lottery Tickets

  6. 二是通过鼓励企业办文化设施和发行文化教育彩票来增加文化设施建设方面的投入;

    The second is to encourage enterprises to run cultural institutions and to sell cultural and educational lottery so as to increase social investment in this field .

  7. 五是拓宽经费筹措渠道。要鼓励社会捐赠,尝试发行教育彩票,招收留学生,争取更多经费来源。

    Effort should be done to encourage the society to donate , issue education lottery , and recruit overseas students so as to broaden the education financing channels .

  8. 有效借鉴国际成功经验,利用教育彩票,充分吸收社会闲散资金,拓宽教育融资渠道值得探索。

    The exploration of drawing on the international successful experiences in this regard , of making use of education lottery , of extending the channels of educational financing is worth while .

  9. 其次建议政府发行教育债券和彩票,筹集高校建设资金。

    The government is advised to issue educational bonds and lotteries to collect funds for college construction .

  10. 如美国透过联邦和州政府财政扶持、实施贷款贴息,鼓励高校运用市场手段融资,发行高校教育债券和彩票,成立教育基金会、鼓励社会捐赠,增加高校收入,化解高校贷款危机。

    Take the United States for instance , the federal and state governments encourage colleges to make full use of the market mechanism to collect more funds by issuing educational bonds and lotteries , establishing educational foundation , and encouraging social donation .

  11. 发挥市场机制辅助功能,适度发展农村民办教育和发行教育彩票,拓宽农村义务教育投入渠道。

    To develop the rural civilian-run compulsory education and lottery ticket for compulsory education , to extend the channel of rural compulsory education investment .