
jiào dǎo yuán
  • political instructor
教导员 [jiào dǎo yuán]
  • [(battalion)political instructor] 政治教导员的通称

  1. 教导员像大哥哥一样关心着新兵。

    The political instructor treats newly recruited soldiers like brothers .

  2. 部队在我们学生连工作的同志,从营长到教导员,到文书、炊事员,人人心情激动。

    Army men working in the company , from the battalion leader to the political instructor , the amanuensis , and cooks , all were in an excited mood .

  3. 我们的教导员告诉我们把那间房锁上。

    Our instructor told us to keep the room locked .

  4. 教导员琳达称那就像是不老泉。

    Instructor Linda Ferrell says it 's like the fountain of youth .

  5. 报道称,他是最勇猛的少尉之一,也是最优秀的教导员、通讯兵。

    He was reported on as one of the best subalterns and was gym instructor and signaller .

  6. 她一边又一遍地上她的课,直到最终教导员要她来帮她教学生。

    She took the class over and over until the instructor finally invited Slotnick to help her teach .

  7. 而服刑人员的培训计划也包括教室功课,教导员里德称亲身经验非常重要。

    While the inmates ' training program also includes classroom work , instructor Reid McLellan says the hands-on experience is the important thing .