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jiào tóu
  • coach;chief military instructor;trainer;head instructor
教头 [jiào tóu]
  • [drillmaster] 宋代军队中专门担任武术教学的人。后指一般传授技艺的人

  1. 英超球队切尔西宣布前AC米兰教头安切洛蒂。卡罗出任俱乐部的新的教练。

    English Premer League side Chelsea have confirmed the appointment of former AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti as the club 's new manager .

  2. 聘请洋教头就是其中一项重要的举措。

    Employing foreign coach is one the im-portant moves .

  3. 欢迎回来今天的嘉宾是TheVoice的教头们

    We 're back with the cast from The Voice ,

  4. 1994年他和其他NBA后起之秀一起参演了电影《火爆教头》。

    starring along other NBA up-and-comers in the 1994 film Blue Chips .

  5. 洪教头是柴进家里的一个武术教师。

    Hung is the drill master on Chai Chin 's estate .

  6. 波斯人认为它像锡克教头巾,因此以之为其命名。

    The Persians named it after the Sikh headwear that it resembled .

  7. 而对这两条铁路而言,最关键的则是摩门教头杨百翰。

    Critical to both lines was the Mormon leader , Brigham Young .

  8. “不,我们哪都不去。”枪手教头表示。

    " No , we don 't go anywhere ," said the Gunners'boss .

  9. 我们听你的,而不是那个训练教头。

    Let 's receive it from you , rather than the drill captain .

  10. 具备这样影响力的教头能有谁?

    He has that effect , does Shearer .

  11. 教头的嘴边只有嘲笑和讥讽。

    The master-at-arms served up only derision .

  12. 教头开我的玩笑,说这个S市不过是一个乌托邦。

    Jiaotou joked with me , saying that S city was no more than a Utopia .

  13. 接下来我们便去找国王的教头,诸神保佑,希望他值得信赖。

    Now we must reach the king 's master-at-arms , and pray that he can be trusted .

  14. 如果你不认为阿民已经成为球队投手阵中的佼佼者,问问看教头的意见如何。

    And if you don 't think Wang 's been front and center , ask his manager .

  15. 不过我敢打赌临冬城的教头一定教过你如何对付比自己高大的人。

    I 'll wager your master-at-arms taught you how to fight bigger men at Winterfell , though .

  16. 意大利教头罗伯特。多纳多尼不相信夸里亚雷拉需要离开桑普去发挥他的潜能。

    Italy coach Roberto Donadoni doesn 't believe Fabio Quagliarella needs to leave Sampdoria to fulfill his potential .

  17. 二是和欧洲教头比,具有明显的价格优势。

    The other reason is that compared with European coaches , they have the distinct advantage of price .

  18. 世界杯冠军教头意大利人里皮最近和切尔西穆帅的位置联系到一起。

    Italy 's World Cup winning coach Marcello Lippi is being linked with Jose Mourinho 's job at Chelsea .

  19. 顶着一头玛丽莲·梦露式的金发,一身紧身衣,平日里紧巴巴的啦啦队女教头摇身展现出她更鲜活的一面。

    With her blonde Marilyn Monroe-style curls and sharp suit , the normally uptight cheerleading coach shows a racier side .

  20. 从教育学视角探究中国古代军队中武术教育可以看出:军队中将领或教头是军中负责武术教育的教师;

    On view of educational psychology , generals in the ancient army were teachers who were responsible for the Martial Arts education ;

  21. 这位世界杯冠军教头于10月22日正式成为中国国家队主教练,并且会执教中国队直到2019年亚洲杯结束。

    The world cup-winning Italian became China manager on Oct. 22 and will serve till the end of the 2019 Asian Cup .

  22. 假如教头扯着喉咙叫他们进攻,他们便跳到山姆身边,然后轻轻地在他胸甲、头盔或脚上点一记。

    If the master-at-arms screamed for an attack , they would dance in and tap Sam lightly on breastplate or helm or leg .

  23. 这位法国教头是在2014年2月28日成为国家队主教练的,在今年3月份合同到期之间,他的中国国家队执教之路走到了尽头。

    The Frenchman took over the coach position on February 28 , 2014 . His termination comes before his contract ends in March .

  24. 维拉新主帅霍利尔暗示利物浦教头霍奇森将会在安菲尔德取得成功,因为他的球员都很支持他。

    Aston Villa manager Gerard Houllier has tipped Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson to succeed at Anfield because he has the backing of his squad .

  25. 斯图需要全取三分才可晋级,在新任教头注视下,他们有个梦幻般的开局。

    The home side needed all three points to qualify and they made a flying start under the watchful eye of new manager Christian Gross .

  26. 意大利教头的一些前任仅仅出于习惯也会把欧文考虑进去,但卡佩罗天生对射手缺乏信任。

    Some of the Italian 's predecessors as England manager would have included him out of mere habit but he lacked any in-built trust in the striker .

  27. 梅勒在安菲尔德的四年中未能赢得一线队位置,而普利斯顿教头保罗-辛普森希望廉价引进他。

    Mellor has failed to secure a first-team place after four years at Anfield and North End boss Paul Simpson hopes to land for a bargain price .

  28. 众所周知这位意大利国脚已经完成了斑马军团的体检,而且尤文教头拉捏利也公开表示了这桩转会势在必行。

    The Italian international is understood to have already passed his Bianconeri medical and new boss Juve Claudio Ranieri has publicly noted that the move will happen .

  29. 十八家好汉到前面去!《水浒传》中的林冲是八十万禁军教头。

    The Eighteen to the front ! Lin Chong , the hero of The Water Margin , is chief military instructor of eight hundred thousand imperial guard troops .

  30. 我和那厮这才开始较量。前四五回合我俩僵持不下。那教头本事还不小,带着枷锁还能使出山东大擂。我恨不得一口吐沫淹死他,不过他确实不可小觑呀!

    But the earthquake didn 't cause so much death as it did in Port-au-prince , because Wenchuan was just a very small town deep in the mountains .