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é ér
  • in a moment;presently;〈书〉very soon;in a little while
俄而 [é ér]
  • [and soon] 不久;顷刻。也作俄尔

  • 俄而百千人大呼。--《虞初新志.秋声诗自序》

  1. 俄而日出。

    Presently the sun emerged .

  2. 俄而沉重的脚步声惊醒了曾沧海的沉思。

    Suddenly , heavy footsteps roused him from his reverie .

  3. 俄而龙下钵中,天辄大雨。

    The Dragon falls into the alms bowl of Buddhist monk , then it .

  4. 俄而他转过一个侧形来,野马似的一张长脸,却又是缩鼻子,招风大耳朵,头发像鬃刷。

    Suddenly he turned and she could see his profile : a long horse-like face with a snub-nose , standout ears and bristly shock of hair .

  5. 在1860年,作为第二次鸦片战争的直接后果的一部分,是第八代的艾林-俄而思家族的人命令法国,英国和(印度)彭加陛的士兵们完全捣毁了北京的圆明园。

    In the aftermath of the second opium war in1860 , it was the8th Earl of Elgin who ordered French , British and Punjabi soldiers to destroy the Old Summer Palace in Beijing .