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shén qi
  • air;manner;expression;spirited;impressive;vigorous;putting on airs
神气 [shén qì]
  • (1) [air]∶神情;神态

  • 带着一副习惯于简短会谈的人的神气正襟危坐着

  • 夫妻心稍慰,但儿神气痴木,奄奄思睡。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (2) [vigorous;impressive;spirited]∶有精神,有气魄

  • 他走起路来很神气

  • (3) [putting on airs]∶骄傲或得意,也指得意或骄傲的样子

  • 神气十足

神气[shén qi]
  1. 医生一脸不屑的神气,两眼望着帐篷的横杆。

    The doctor looked at the ridgepole with an expression of disgust .

  2. 莫干丞慌慌张张回答,他那脸上的神气非常可笑。

    Mo Kan-cheng was flustered , and his miserable expression was almost laughable .

  3. 首席歌手手执麦克风,神气地走来走去。

    The lead singer was prancing around with the microphone .

  4. 真是判若两人!你看上去真神气。

    What a transformation ! You look great .

  5. 他越是神气,我们越不买账。

    The more airs he gives himself , the less respect we 'll show him .

  6. 他仰首望着天,做出一副满不在乎的神气。

    He turned his face to look up at the sky in a carefree manner .

  7. 你看她的神气,简直是目中无人。

    Just look at the airs she 's giving herself , looking down her nose at everybody .

  8. 我止住了他那种卑躬屈节的神气,告诉他,我饶恕了他。

    I abated his cringes , told him I forgave him .

  9. 小明戴上红领巾多神气。

    Xiaoming looks quite impressive with his red scarf on .

  10. 他的眼神,他的服装,都带着一种无拘无束、不良不莠的神气。

    There was an uncribbed , uncabined aspect in his eyes and attire .

  11. 他说话的神气特别像他爸爸。

    He is very much like his father in the way he speaks .

  12. 呵!他倒神气起来了。

    Humph ! what airs he gives himself !

  13. 瞧他那份神气!

    Look what airs he puts on !

  14. 他说话时的神气咄咄逼人。

    He spoke in an overbearing manner .

  15. 他手里拿着一把刷子,原先那傲慢的神气全不见了;他替波特刷身上的新衣,波特则缓缓地、时左时右地转动着身子。

    He held a brush in his hand , and , with all his airy superiority gone , he brushed potter 's new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way .

  16. 心里松懈,身态与神气便吊儿啷当。

    His will was sapped and his whole attitude was lackadaisical .

  17. 茂格立治回到厨房里来,满面是小人得志的神气

    Mugridge was back in the galley , he became greasily radiant .

  18. 她对这副猴子样的神气有一种无法克制的厌恶

    There was an unconquerable repulsion for her in that monkish aspect .

  19. 这不还不够劲,还有比这更神气的事情,他要去当海盗

    But no , there was something gaudier even than this . He would be a pirate !

  20. 这位上校样子挺神气,他的嘴巴、双颊和两眼都深深地凹进去,目光黯淡,象发了霉似的

    The colonel was gorgeous , he had a cavernous mouth , cavernous cheeks , cavernous , sad , mildewed eyes .

  21. 这个小女巫那双美丽的眼睛里添上一种嘲弄的恶毒神气。约瑟夫真的吓得直抖,赶紧跑出去,一边跑一边祷告,还嚷着“恶毒!

    The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes , and Joseph , trembling with sincere horror , hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked " as he went .

  22. 他认为,如果接受了别人的鱼,就会露出迁就别人的神气,一旦迁就,就会在行动上违背法令,这样做下,总有一天会被罢官。

    He believed if he accepted other people 's fish , he would have to accommodate himself to them . If he accommodates himself to them , he will break law someday and be removed from post .

  23. 主教显出一副惊奇的神气瞧着她。

    The Bishop gazed at her with an air of amazement .

  24. 斯悦辛把脚跟并起,那种举止看上去更加神气。

    Swithin drew his heels together , his deportment ever admirable .

  25. “那你脸上的神气怎么怪怪的呢?”

    " Well , then , what makes you look so ?"

  26. 她就把这美丽而神气的头垂了下来了。

    She had kept her beautiful and once proud head bent .

  27. 他心情阴郁,神气痴呆。阴郁的、坏心情的感觉。

    He was moody and abstracted . a gloomy ill-tempered feeling .

  28. 多神气啊,一个有着两条右臂的人!

    What a cock-up , spending eternity with two right arms !

  29. 他好吗?是不是又魁梧,又神气?

    Was he well ? Was he big and bold ?

  30. 她直视着他&活脱脱一个女巫的神气。

    She gazed at him & a pythoness in humour .