
  • 网络vowel reduction;Apophony
  1. 第五章讨论了汉语的重音,及其与元音弱化和声调变化之间的音系关系。

    Chapter Five discusses the correlation of stress placement , vowel reduction , and tonal change of Chinese .

  2. 在导致二语学习者英语语音中外国口音的诸多因素中,元音弱化的作用一般被公认为最大。

    Among several factors that result in learners ' foreign accent , the effect of vowel reduction is recognized as the biggest .

  3. 此句中这个元音弱化为中元音。

    In this sentence , the vowel sound become reduced to a central vowel .

  4. 在吐火罗语中,元音弱化的现象是相当普遍的。

    The evolution tells us the truth that there exists a vowel weakening phenomenon in Tocharian which is quite common .

  5. 英语中三元名词组合:结构意义重音在言语中不重读的英语元音大部分被弱化成无形的中元音。

    Three-part Noun Combinations in English : Composition-Meaning-Stress ; Most English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel .

  6. 关于这一现象的形成原因,大多数学者认为与蒙古语的重音位置有关,蒙古语词重音在词首音节,所以词首音节短元音发音清晰响亮,非词首音节短元音就弱化以至脱落。

    That is , since the stress of a Mongolian word falls on the first syllable , the short vowel of the first syllable is pronounced as clear and grand-sounding , and on the contrary non-first-syllable short vowel weakens or even disappears .