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shàn xīn
  • kindness;benevolence;mercy;natural;kindhearted;good intention
善心 [shàn xīn]
  • [benevolence;natural;kindness;mercy] 好心;善良的心意

  • 大发善心

善心[shàn xīn]
  1. 可见,不能指望强盗会发善心。

    It is thus clear that one should never xiaogushi8.com expect mercy from a bandit .

  2. 你发发善心,帮一下我好吗

    Please help me . Show mercy , please .

  3. 这样的善心使人又一次感到人性善良。

    Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .

  4. 他的竞争者明白,不能期望如此残忍的对手发善心。

    His rivals knew that they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary .

  5. 别指望他会对你发善心。

    Don 't expect him to show kindness to you .

  6. 她出于善心给了老妇人几双鞋。

    She gave the old woman some pairs of shoes out of charity .

  7. 而当我把我的善心传播到每一个地方时,我感到这是我最成功的时刻。

    And I feel the most successful when I spread my kindness everywhere I go .

  8. 他的老板出钱让他住进了医院(中国(china)的医院通常要求预付款),但他们的善心就到此为止了。

    His employer put up money to have him admitted Chinese hospitals generally demand an advance but this was the end of their goodwill .

  9. 福辛普利能改善心功能,降低上述细胞因子的浓度(P均<0.05)。

    Fosinopril improved cardiac function and lowered the plasma levels of all of the three kinds of cytokines ( all P < 0.05 ) . Conclusions .

  10. 然而,MSCs移植后细胞存活率较低,使其改善心功能的作用受到严重影响。

    However , the low survival of transplanted MSCs impacted the therapeutical effects .

  11. 例如,X线和超声的应用,如3-D左室重建可能改善心内膜细胞传送功能的作用。

    For example , X-ray-based and ultrasound-based applications , such as3-D reconstruction of the left ventricle , may improve the efficacy of endomyocardial cell delivery .

  12. n.慈善心你必须回报以谦虚的精神,因为每既得的利益受自慈善心。

    philanthropy You must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy .

  13. 结论:TFC可改善心功能。

    Conclusion : TFC may improve heart function in hypoxic condition .

  14. 他也看“Jeopardy”节目,没人看时它就摸自己,请你有点善心,求你了。

    He watches Jeopardy ! He touches himself when nobody 's watching . Please , please have a heart !

  15. 在术前、术中应用IABP可以有效地改善心功能,提高手术成功率。

    IABP can improve the heart function effectively and therefore can improve the success rate of operation .

  16. 在对MSCs移植能改善心功能的机理研究中,对MSCs是否能在宿主心肌内分化成具有主动收缩功能的细胞则存在较大争议,因为无法直接在宿主心肌内观察移植细胞的收缩。

    The mechanisms underlying MSCs improvement of cardiac functions still need more analyzing , especially whether MSCs can differentiated into contractile cells in host myocardium or not .

  17. 【结论】G-CSF能明显改善心功能,并可能使心肌梗死部位心肌细胞再生。

    【 Conclusion 】 G-CSF can improve heart function obviously , because it may cause regeneration of myocardial cells in the position of infarction .

  18. MPCs移植明显改善心功能,减少梗塞面积。

    Transplantation of cultured MPCs into the ischemic border area significantly improved cardiac function by reducing infarction size .

  19. 结论:小剂量rtPA静脉溶栓可获较高冠脉再通率,明显改善心功能,降低病死率、出血并发症及医疗费用。

    Conclusion : The treatment with transvenous low dose of rt PA may acquire the higher rate of coronary reperfusion , remarkably improve the heart function and reduce the mortality and bleeding incidence .

  20. 结论美托洛尔能改善心功能,降低血浆BNP水平,血浆BNP可作为评价β受体阻滞剂治疗CHF疗效的监测指标之一。

    Conclusion Metoprolol can improve heart function and reduce level of plasma BNP . Plasma BNP can be one index of evaluation of efficacy of β - blockers for CHF patients .

  21. 结论:rhGH对DCM心衰患者具有一定改善心功能作用,为DCM患者提供了一种新的安全有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion : rhGH therapy can improve the heart function for DCM patients with heart failure . This may provide a new therapeutic way for DCM patients .

  22. 消费者监督网站Consumerist上就有文章指出,此举会致使那些贪得无厌、占小便宜的人来利用别人的善心。

    An article on the website Consumerist points out that the practice could result in greedy , cheap jerks taking advantage of others ' good will .

  23. 结论rSK静脉溶栓后梗死相关冠脉再通可明显改善心功能储备,提高患者的生活质量,未通组与未溶栓组比较差异无显著性。

    Conclusion After carrying out thrombolytic therapy with domestic r SK . Reopening of the infarct relating arteries could improve storage of heart function and raise the patients life quality .

  24. 北京某商业杂志30岁的翻译CeciliaWang说,我希望政府发发善心,给养老金多拨点款;但因为他们不这么做,我们就得自己攒钱。

    ' I hope the government is stung by conscience and puts more money into pensions , ' said Cecilia Wang , a 30-year-old translator at a business magazine in Beijing , ' but as they don 't we have to save ourselves . '

  25. 近期的一项临床试验发现,利用G-CSF进行骨髓动员提取造血干细胞在冠脉介入治疗后经冠脉注入心肌可以改善心功能,但骨髓动员同时导致冠脉介入治疗后血管再狭窄的发生率增加。

    A recent clinical trial reported that BMM by G - CSF with or without coronary arterial injection of hematopoietic stem cells isolated from autologous peripheral blood improved heart function of MI patients , however , the higher rate of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention was accompanied .

  26. 善心,同情心;好的意愿。

    A disposition to kindness and compassion ; benign good will .

  27. 但是我却知道我有缺乏“善心”的时候。

    But I know sometimes I don 't have one myself .

  28. 她亲了他一下说…勇敢的小木偶,你有一颗善心

    who gave him a kiss , saying ; Brave Pinocchio ...

  29. 那些小孤儿真的需要你的善心。

    Those little orphans , they really need your charity .

  30. 他是个好人,对任何人都充满了善心。

    He was a good man , full of tenderness for everyone .