
shàn zhàn
  • be good at fighting;be skilful in battle
善战 [shàn zhàn]
  • [be good at fighting] 善于作战

  • 骁勇善战

  1. 善战的将领能预知敌军动向而作好战斗部署。

    A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do .

  2. 人生中最重要的不是征服,而是善战。

    The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well .

  3. 战士们个个都能征善战。

    The soldiers were all used to war or fighting .

  4. 整个亚洲最凶狠善战的军队:不死军

    The deadliest fighting force in all of Asia : The Immortals .

  5. 她有一支能征善战的陆军,还有一支小而精干的海军舰队。

    She had an efficient Westernized army and a small but sound fleet .

  6. 我猜你是善战的印第安人。

    I deduced that you 're an Indian fighter .

  7. 然而现代历史学家倾向于将曹操视为善战的将军和注重实际的政治家。

    Modern historians tend to view Cao as a skillful general and pragmatic politician .

  8. 故善战之胜也,无智名,无勇功。

    Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage .

  9. 大山:女队员像男孩一样善战吗?

    Dashan : Do the girls on the team play as aggressively as the boys ?

  10. 做一个威武善战的英雄!

    But become a brave hero !

  11. 英勇的以勇敢为特色的,或与勇气相伴的我们不是少爷兵,而是英勇善战的勇士。

    Marked by or done with valor . We are no carpet soldiers , but courageous troops .

  12. 他们的箭,好像善战勇士的箭,无一徒然返回。

    Their arrows will be like those of an expert mighty man ; none will return empty-handed .

  13. 我们要加大开支,帮助各州和各社区培训英勇善战的警察和消防队员,改善他们的装备条件。

    We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters .

  14. 尽管路易十四能征善战精通外交他却不善经营国库

    Despite all his success in war and diplomacy , Louis XIV never managed to balance the books ,

  15. 这说明我们军队的传统是好的,是英勇善战的。

    This shows that our army has a fine tradition and that it is heroic and skilful in battle .

  16. 一个精准、快速、善战的勇者,必然也能优雅地起舞。

    Any warrior who can fight with speed and accuracy , should be able to dance grace as well .

  17. 故善战者,能为不可胜,不能使敌之必可胜。

    Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat , but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy .

  18. 那些在恺撒旗帜下前进的人想让一位绝对统治者——一个能征善战的将军——来领导国家。

    Those who had marched under Caesar 's banners wanted an imperator , a conquering general , to guide the state .

  19. 高端人才与先进技术的融会集成,把我院铸就为敢打敢拼、善战能胜的精英团队。

    The integration of high-end talents with advanced technology has built the institute into an elite team of constant courage and victory .

  20. 在战斗中,你不久就对那些幸存的英勇善战的人失去了这种纯真的感情。

    And in the fighting soon there was no purity of feeling for those who survived the fighting and were good at it .

  21. 锡伯族是我国一支英勇善战且古老的少数民族,现主要分布在新疆察布查尔地区和东北地区。

    Sibo-one of the ethnic minorities associated with heroic and ancient in China , is mainly distributed in Qapqal of Sinkiang province and Northeast China .

  22. 所以,善战者调动敌人而决不为敌人所调动。

    Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy , but does not allow the enemy 's will to be imposed on him .

  23. 露茜和爱德蒙一下子就认出它来了——雷佩契普,纳尼亚王国会说话的兽类中最英勇善战的老鼠大军的头头。

    Lucy and Edmund recognized it at once Reepicheep , the most valiant of all the Talking Beasts of Narnia , and the Chief Mouse .

  24. 在1924年改组后,其主义明晰、组织严密、军队善战、人才济济。

    Reorganized after 1924 , its principle was defined , the organization was strict , the army clever in fighting , was abundance of capable people .

  25. 公司拥有一批能征善战的/验丰富的童装设计和运营人才,为广大客户提供专业的支持与服务。

    With an employment of talents who have good skills and experiences in design and operation , we always offer professional supports and services to our broad clients .

  26. 公司以雄厚的技术力量,先进的生产设备,完善的检测手段,善战的海天团队,使公司一跃成为兽药界一颗新星。

    Companies to strong technical force , advanced production equipment , perfect detection means , the Haitian team , the company became a new star of veterinary profession .

  27. 孙子曰:昔之善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。

    Sun Tzu said : The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat , and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy .

  28. 要赢得这场击剑比赛的胜利她就必须战胜对手故善战者,能为不可胜,不能使敌之必可胜。

    She had to outreach her opponent to win the fencing match . Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat , But cannot make certain of defeating the enemy .

  29. 关于二战期间美中之间的合作,我们听到了许多英勇善战的飞行员的故事&飞虎队、驼峰飞行员、第十四航空大队。

    Of the cooperation between the United States and China during the Second World War , we hear much of brave and skilled aviators-the Flying Tigers , the Hump pilots , the14th Air Force .

  30. 故善战者,立于不败之地,而不失敌之败也。毅力―当你失败的时候,不要灰心。

    Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible , and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy . Perseverance - When you fail , don 't lose heart .