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yì shì
  • a person who upholds justice;a righteous man;a high-minded or chivalrous person;high-minded man
义士 [yì shì]
  • (1) [high-minded man]∶具有高尚的道德原则或有节操、情操的或有武士风度的人

  • 嗟乎义士。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • (2) [person who upholds justice]∶支持正义、维护正义的人,支持公正的人

  • (3) [righteous man]∶有正义感的人,行为正当的或公正的人;有操行、明辨是非的人

义士[yì shì]
  1. 舍不得财,不能为义士。

    You cannot be righteous and attached to property .

  2. 他是一个义士,但更是一位忠臣。

    He was a chivalrous person , but was more like a loyal minister .

  3. 在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。

    I 'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent , rebellious city .

  4. 两起事件发生后,中国民众和官方对韩国人大多抱以同情之心,对义士的英勇行为赞叹不已。

    The two incident , the Chinese people and the official on Korea people with compassion , the martyr act of bravery greatly .

  5. 吴应箕在明末扮演了文学家、史学家、复社的组织宣传者和抗清义士等诸多社会角色。

    WU Ying ji played in the writer , historian , complex social organization and propaganda against the Qing Dynasty righteous , and many other social roles .

  6. 搭救彭眉胥上校的那位义士竟在干着犯罪的勾当,马吕斯虽然还闹不清楚他打算干的究竟是什么,但却已具有谋财害命的迹象了!

    That liberator of Colonel Pontmercy was on the point of committing a crime whose scope Marius did not , as yet , clearly comprehend , but which resembled an assassination !

  7. 由此,中国的武侠电影划分为两个最基本的人物谱系:即以英雄义士为主体的善的形象和以奸臣贼子为主体的恶的形象。

    Thereupon , Chinese martial arts film could be divided into two basic pedigree of characters : the good images which took the heroes as the principal part and the evil images which took the treacherous court officials as the principal part .