
yì xué
  • free school;free private school;private or community-run schools charging no tuition
义学 [yì xué]
  • [free private school] 旧时一种免费学校,资金来源为地方公益金或私人筹资

义学[yì xué]
  1. 1816年,英国另一传教士在槟榔屿创办了槟城义学。

    The next year in 1816 , another missionary established " Penang Free School " in Penang Island .

  2. 同时,Lakoff依据神经元模拟论提出了模拟论语义学,以此进一步论证了隐喻和语言的体验性,有力地批判了客观主义哲学观和乔姆斯基TG语言理论。

    Meanwhile , based on the Neural Simulation Theory , Lakoff has developed Simulation Semantics , which further substantiated the embodiment view of metaphor and language , and refuted the objectivist philosophy and Chomskian TG grammar .

  3. 最终,义学被新式的近代学堂教育所代替。

    Finally , the Charitable School Education was replaced by the new modern school education .

  4. 第二章着重讨论了博弈论语义学。

    Chapter two comes to game-theoretical semantics .

  5. 论语义学和语用学的界面

    On the Interface of Semantics and Pragmatics

  6. 义学,是向贫寒子弟或少数民族地区子弟提供免费基础教育的慈善学校。

    The Charitable Schools provide free elementary education for children from poor families or the minority areas .

  7. 后蒙塔古语义学的理论发展&兼评福克斯和拉平的内涵语义学

    On Theoretical Development of Post-Montague 's Intensional Semantics : Comments on Chris Fox and Shalom Lappin 's Foundational Semantics

  8. 义学作为中国古代的一种教育形式,对初等教育的普及做出了巨大贡献。

    As an educational form in ancient China , school has made tremendous contributions to the popularity of primary education .

  9. 湖北省境东晋南北朝的佛教传输与义学分布

    The Route of Buddhistical Travel and The Distribution of Buddhistical Schools during Eastern Jin and Southern & Northern Dynasties in Hubei Province

  10. 义学的运营管理中,教学设施、教学管理和教学经费是其核心内容。

    In the the operation and management of the Charitable School Education , the core issues are teaching facilities , teaching management and teaching funds .

  11. 传统教育体系包括各级儒学、社学、义学、私塾、书院等。

    The traditional educational system consist Confucian schools , town schools , free schools , private schools , Shu-yuan at different levels and so on .

  12. 义学的广泛建立,推动了地方教育的普及,尤其是鄂西少数民族地区文教事业的发展。

    The broad building of Charitable Schools promoted the popularization of education in Hubei , especially in the minority areas of west region in Hubei .

  13. 在教育上,大规模兴办义学,让各族更多的儿童学习文化,促进了教育的发展。

    For education , they set up a lot of free private school that allowed all the children learning culture , promoted the development of education .

  14. 第一阶段,沿袭明代旧制,学校与科举平行,教育为科举服务,儒学、书院、义学在原基础上继续发展;

    At the first stage , the old system was followed , Schools served for the Civil Service Exam , and the academies developed on the former basic ;

  15. 本文以清代湖北义学为中心,旨在探讨义学的本质,以及由此所反映的国家与社会的相互关系。

    This paper focus on the Charitable Schools of Hubei province in the Qing Dynasty , with the purpose of discussing its nature and the relationship between the national and society .

  16. 清政府为了加强对云南的控制,除了对云南地区进行改土归流、发展云南经济,还大力发展云南的文化教育事业。兴办义学就是其中的一个重要举措。

    In order to strengthen control in Yunnan , in addition to bureaucratization of native officers , the Qing government promoted to develop culture , education and economy . Setting up free schools was one of the important means .

  17. 巴威斯等对外延模型论语义学和可能世界语义学的批判,揭示了既有逻辑语义研究的不足,促使人们对自然语言的逻辑语义问题进行更深刻的认识和反思。

    Barwise 's criticisms on the extensional model theory semantics and the possible world semantics , not only reveals the shortages of logic semantics , but also helps us to understand the logic semantics problems of natural language more profoundly .

  18. 清代湖北义学虽由民间力量推动产生,但随着官方的逐渐介入,民间力量逐步处于官府的控制之下,并长期居于从属地位。

    Although the Charitable Schools of Hubei province in the Qing dynasty came into being by the populace promoting , with the government gradually involved in , the populace became under controlling of the official , and stayed in the subordinate position for a long time .

  19. 为加强中央权力的有效运作,清朝统治者在湘西积极倡导教育,采取了一系列的政策,如以广设书院、发展义学等来发展民族教育。

    In order to strengthen effective operation of the central power , the rulers of the Qing dynasty actively advocated education in western Hunan Province and adopted a series of policies to develop ethnic education , such as , setting up academies of classical learning and free schools .

  20. 我在博爱居家当义工时学过盖东西

    I learned to build when I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity .

  21. 此时的易学思想,受老庄思想的影响,亦发生了这种变化,由传统的象数学转向了义理学,这种思潮的代表人物是王弼。

    Yi-ology in this period was also influenced by thoughts of Lao Zhuang and had changed greatly from traditional symbol and mathematics to Yi Li-ology . Wang Bi is the most important representative in this period .

  22. 论文第三部分主要介绍赵汝棵的义理之学。

    The third part introduces ZHAO Ru Mei Yi Li Theory .

  23. 戴震义理之学中的人性结构模式

    The Human Nature Structure Mode of Dai Zhen about Kindheartedness and Righteousness and Neo-Confucianism

  24. 戴震义理之学的历史评价及近代启蒙意义略论不可知论的历史评价问题

    Dai Zhen 's Theory of Principle with Righteousness : Its Historical Evaluation and Modern Significance of Enlightenment

  25. 清代《金石三例》的编印,标志着不断发展的金石义例之学已经日趋完善。

    The compilation and printing of Three Examples of Sphragistics served as an indicator of the gradual maturity of the laws of sphragistics .

  26. 季羡林先生的义理之学集中在两个方面,其一是文化多元观,其二是文化交流论。

    Professor Ji Xian-lin 's argumentation mainly focuses on two aspects , namely the pluralistic concept of culture and the theory of cultural communication .

  27. 他以儒家传统的心性义理之学为本,通过融和康德哲学、吸取黑格尔的思辨形式,精心构造出自己缜密而庞大的哲学体系。

    Having absorbed the philosophical ideas of Kant and Hegel , he has constructed a huge philosophical system , which is based on the Xin Xue of the traditional Confucianism .

  28. 本文还尝试运用认知语言学的句式义及隐喻学理论对双宾句式的句式义进行探讨,从更深的层面对双宾句式的特征做分析。

    This paper attempts to use " construction grammar " and metaphor theory which is much profound to analyze the double object linguistic structure , which was reasonable in both form and meaning .

  29. 面对时代的挑战,宋儒开始了由训诂之学向义理之学的转变,解放思想,倡导价值主体的自我挺立。

    Faced with the challenges , Confucian in the early Song Dynasty started the revitalization of Confucianism , converting the Confucian Classics studies into the Song-Ming neo-Confucianism , advocating mind liberation and self-embodiment of value subject .

  30. 以义理之学为特征的宋学取代汉唐训诂注疏之学,与经典文本重心的转换有着直接的关系。

    The Song classic study featured by the exploration of truth substituted for the explanations of notes to the texts predominant in Han and Tang dynasties , which bore a direct relation with the focus shift .