
  • 网络compulsory education funds
  1. 义务教育经费投入不足表现为:义务教育财政性投入占GDP的比例偏低、义务教育经费总支出中政府承担的比例偏低、义务教育生均公用经费地区差异明显。

    The insufficiency of compulsory education funds investment displays mainly the following aspects such as an improper ratio between financial investment and GDP , and the area great difference of public funds per students .

  2. 努力拓宽农村义务教育经费来源渠道;

    Widen the channel of rural compulsory education funds source .

  3. 中国义务教育经费体制改革:变化与效果

    China 's Reform of Compulsory Education Funding : Changes and Effects

  4. 如何解决农村义务教育经费投入问题,是摆在我们面前亟待解决的重要课题。

    The problem of the rural compulsory education expenditure is aggravating .

  5. 我国农村义务教育经费调查研究报告

    A Survey of Compulsory Educational Outlay in the Rural Areas

  6. 关于完善我国义务教育经费投入分担体制的探讨

    How to Perfect the System of Sharing Compulsory Education Funds

  7. 其突出问题表现为:1、地方政府财力薄弱,义务教育经费严重短缺;

    The indistinct duties and rights of the local governments and schools ;

  8. 第三部分分析了重庆市义务教育经费配置的现状和存在的问题。

    The third part mainly analyzes the current situations and existing problems .

  9. 农村义务教育经费挤出效应研究

    Crowding Out Effect of the Financing of Rural Compulsory Education

  10. 西方发达国家义务教育经费分担经验借鉴

    Experience of Compulsory Education Expenditure Sharing in Western Developed Countries

  11. 湖北省义务教育经费投入地区差异分析

    Analysis on the Regional Difference of Financing on Compulsory Education in Hubei Province

  12. 突破流动儿童义务教育经费的瓶颈

    Break Through the Bottleneck of the Outlay of Compulsory Education of Floating Children

  13. 陕西省农村义务教育经费投入变化分析

    Analysis of the Fund Input in the Compulsory Education in Shaanxi Rural Area

  14. 管理体制视野中的农村义务教育经费问题

    The Outlay Problems of Rural Compulsory Education from the View of the Management System

  15. 运用金融手段扩大非义务教育经费的思考

    Increasing Funds of Non-compulsory Education through Financial Means

  16. 公平与质量:农村义务教育经费保障新机制实施的价值二维

    Equity and quality : value of the new financing mechanisms for rural compulsory education

  17. 义务教育经费投入政策失真现象研究

    Study of Distorted Fund-Input Policy of Compulsory Education

  18. 中部农村义务教育经费筹措问题研究(1986&2005)

    The Input System of Rural Compulsory Education in Central China ( 1986 & 2005 )

  19. 基于财政视角的北京市农村义务教育经费问题研究

    Study on Financing of Rural Compulsory Education in Beijing from the View of Public Finance

  20. 贫困地区义务教育经费投入研究

    Research on the Outlay Investment in the Compulsory Education in the Poverty-Stricken Zones in China

  21. 本文系统地阐述了我国义务教育经费投入体制历史沿革与现状。

    This article elaborated our country compulsory education funds investment system history evolution and the present situation systematically .

  22. 建议义务教育经费投入由“以县为主”逐步转向“以省为主”。

    This paper suggests that the investment of education funds should be gradually changed from county-based to province-based .

  23. 积极构建以中央财政投入为主的义务教育经费投入保障机制;

    Construct guarantee mechanism of input into rural compulsory education , which is mainly depend on central fiscal investment .

  24. 义务教育经费分配使用的公平性研究&北京市郊县的案例分析

    On the Equity of the Distribution of Compulsory Educational Expenditure & A Case Study of the Counties in Beijing

  25. 在这20年间,义务教育经费政策共经历了八次大的冲击(变革)。

    During these 20 years , there have been totally 8 influential reforms in the compulsory education funding policy .

  26. 本文研究我国贫困地区义务教育经费投入问题。

    This dissertation researches into the problem of outlay investment in the compulsory education in the poverty-stricken zones in China .

  27. 经费不足,难以确保农村义务教育经费正常需要。

    Badly lack of finance can not ensure the necessary need of compulsory education expenses in rural and so on .

  28. 国家建立义务教育经费保障机制,保证义务教育制度实施。

    The state shall establish a compulsory education operating funds guarantee mechanism to ensure the implementation of the compulsory education system .

  29. 县教育局下设的义务教育经费管理中心并没有真正起到联系县教育局和县财政局之间的纽带作用。

    The compulsory education fund management center does not really act the connection between the Education Bureau and the Finance Bureau .

  30. 地方行政的预算政治与主体问责&安徽农村义务教育经费现状调查之二

    Budget Politics and Subject Questioning in the Local Administration & an Investigation into the Rural Compulsory Education Funds in Anhui Province