
ɡuān chá chuānɡ
  • Observation window;view window
  1. 在真空室观察窗正上方安装了放大倍率为200倍的显微镜,以实现对场发射过程的实时原位观察。

    A microscope ( magnification : 200X ) was fixed right above the view window of the vacuum chamber , using which we can in situ observe the process of the field emission .

  2. 改进的算法对连续三个符号进行ML估计,在进行频偏估计时,通过使用观察窗,在窗口内对频偏估计值进行均值运算,对频偏估计值误差进行矫正。

    The algorithm uses observation window in order to reduce the frequency offset error , in which average of every frequency offset estimation values of three symbols is obtained during frequency offset estimation .

  3. 结合有限元分析软件ANSYS对大潜深、大开口观察窗壳体结构模型的静态力学性能进行了数值分析及试验研究。

    Based on the model experiment and finite element analysis software ANSYS , this paper focuses on the deep submersible spherical endure pressure shell with an observation window of big bore , mechanics property of which is studied .

  4. YZR系列电机深端盖观察窗平面的加工工艺

    Process for Machining the Flat Face of the Inspection Window for the Deep Endshield of YZR Range of Motors

  5. 本文利用Malvern粒度仪和观察窗技术测量了分离器模型中水-砂两相流动的颗粒浓度和粒度分布,并且对具有相似结构和流动参数的平面组合方管液固两相流动进行了数值模拟。

    Particle size and concentration profiles in water-sand two phase flow through a separator model were measured by Malvern Particle Sizer and observation window technique . Numerical simulation of water-sand two-phase flow through a curved square duct was also performed .

  6. 该标定系统具有多通道数据采集与处理、自动温控、观察窗可视操作等特点,工作区温控精度优于±1K,位移给定精度0001mm。

    This calibration system has many characteristics such as multi-channel data acquisition and processing , automatic temperature control and window visual operating . In working field , the temperature control accuracy is within ± 1K and the given displacement accuracy is 1 micron .

  7. 国外潜望镜和光电桅杆观察窗的选型分析

    Analysis of Shape Selection on Foreign Periscope and Optronic Mast Observation Windows

  8. 真空镀膜机观察窗挡膜的新方法

    New Methods for Anti deposition on the Viewing Window of Vacuum Coating Machine

  9. 观察窗可以方便日常清理和维护工作;

    The sight glass facilitates daily cleaning and maintenance ;

  10. 彩虹全息图色散观察窗的设计与综合

    Design and synthesis of dispersion viewing window rainbow holograms

  11. 在后部中间衬板加强件上标记用于测量和的观察窗。

    Mark a viewing window measuring and on the rear centre panel reinforcement .

  12. 检修口上设有观察窗,在搅拌过程中方便观察。

    There is an observation window on the hatches available for watching during operation .

  13. 采用动态观察窗的方式提取必要的多传感器火灾信息,用于训练和火灾探测。

    A dynamic observation window is used to extract the necessary multi-sensor fire information .

  14. 两个玻璃观察窗位于给料机进口端(端门),用于观察胶带运行状况。

    Two glass windows located inlet of coal feeder for watching running line of belt .

  15. 行人门及观察窗在门扇的高度上居中;

    The passenger door and observation door are installed at the intermediate height of door .

  16. 碱卤化合物单晶生长中防止观察窗沾污的新方法

    A New Method Protecting from the Contamination on the Viewing Window in Alkali Halide Crysta Growth

  17. 从坦克的观察窗商只能看到蓝天白云而无法看到路面上的情况。

    Tanks'embrasure wouldn 't let to see the road but the white clouds in the sky .

  18. 箱门中间设有观察窗、便于观察;封口为磁性胶条、启闭方便、密封良好;

    A glass observation window is provided in the middle of the door for convenient observation .

  19. 西面的舞蹈室里很暗,我能从那扇敞开的观察窗里看到那整个房间。

    The west dance floor was dark , I could see through the open viewing window .

  20. 工作冷槽:不锈钢冷槽,双层真空玻璃观察窗。

    Of working cold trough : stainless steel cold trough , the double-layer vacuum glass observation window .

  21. 本仪器配有密封不锈钢燃烧室、观察窗、试样夹及门式燃烧器。

    Comprises draft free stainless steel cabinet with observation window , sample holder and door mounted burner .

  22. 同时基于参数化设计语言建立了有随机几何缺陷的有限元模型,并利用接触单元考虑了大开口观察窗与耐压结构的联系。

    The connection between the big viewport window and the pressure structure is modeled with contact slippage elements .

  23. 箱门内板是不锈钢材料,通过箱门上的一个观察窗可以看到前箱里面的情况。

    The front access door constructed of stainless steel provides visibility into the chamber through an observation window .

  24. 合力电磁的屏蔽窗还可以用作采光窗、天窗和观察窗。

    Heliono 's RF window can also be used as a skylight , clearstory window , or observation window .

  25. 我们凑近观察窗细看发现:一层细末正被铺开。

    We push our noses up to the small window to watch : a layer of dust is spread .

  26. 无创通气治疗难治性心力衰竭时间观察窗的选择

    The choice of the time-observed-window with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in the treatment of the patients with severe heart failure

  27. 本文介绍了两种真空镀膜机观察窗的磁动挡板挡膜方法。

    Two kinds of methods are introduced that shelter of viewing window of vacuum coating machines drived by the magnetic force .

  28. 通过一个沿时间轴平移的观察窗,观察时间进程中时间序列各演化模式相对概率的变化情况,捕捉其蕴含的时间信息。

    Through a sliding observation window , the relative probability of EPs of a time series can be monitored as a function of time .

  29. 并引入最小方差线性拟合算法对漂移进行估计,通过不同时间段的观察窗来动态跟踪频率漂移的变化。

    It introduces the minimum variance linear fitting algorithm to estimate the drift , and tracks the frequency shift changes through different time windows .

  30. 采用透明的耐高温石英玻璃观察窗,观察和记录铝液充型过程的图像信息,分析铝液的充型过程;

    The image information of aluminum liquid filling mould process is observed and recorded by the transparent quartz pyrex window for analyzing the aluminum liquid filling mould process .