
ɡuān shǎnɡ shù
  • ornamental tree
  1. 欧洲的一种高大山毛榉,叶具细锯齿;在北美作为观赏树广泛种植。

    Large European beech with minutely-toothed leaves ; widely planted as an ornamental in North America .

  2. 优良观赏保健树大叶冬青引种试验初报

    Preliminary report on the introduction trial of ornamental and medicinal tree species Ilex latifolia Thunb

  3. 樱花开花图片库。当我乘车穿过一个当地的公墓去观赏樱花树。我看见这只有斑点的松鼠大声咀嚼远离樱花花瓣。

    When I was driving through a local cemetery to view the cherry trees , I spotted this squirrel munching away the cherry blossom petals .

  4. 虽然著名的空中列车最初因商业目的而创建,它现在常以一种悠闲的速度运行,以让游客们的四天的旅途中尽情观赏香蕉树,活火山和大批的野生动物。

    Although the famous Tren Crucero was created for trade purposes , it now operates at a leisurely speed for tourists wanting to see banana plantations , active volcanoes and plenty of wildlife on a four-day trip .

  5. 雨天不能阻止步行游客散步在华盛顿特区的潮汐湖,当观赏植物樱花树的开花期短的时候。

    Rain doesn 't deter a walker from strolling the Tidal Basin in Washington , D.C. , during the short blooming life of ornamental cherry trees .

  6. 我知道她再也不能跟我坐在一起,观赏我们的圣诞树了。

    I knew shw would never see me go off to my senior prom .

  7. 作为园林观赏植物,紫薇有其独特的观赏价值,树姿优美,在夏季少花季节开花,不仅花期长,而且花色丰富,是重要的园林绿化树种。

    Lagerstroemia indica as a garden ornamental plant , has its own unique beauty and appreciation . It blooms in summer with long bloom duration and colourful flowers . So it is an important landscape plant .

  8. 我国原产棕榈科植物约有18属100种,可用于园林绿化及观赏的有12属44种,可作行道树、园景树、庭园树、室内观赏树和海滨、沙滩绿化树。

    There are about 100 species of palmae in 18 genera native in China , in which 44 are suitable for landscape or ornament , and can be used as street trees , specimen trees , courtyard trees , indoor shade plants or seabeach trees .