
ɡuān chá shào
  • observation post
观察哨 [guān chá shào]
  • [observation post] 观察当面敌情的哨兵。为弥补观察所的不足或根据部队作战的需要派出。通常由一至数人担任

  1. 观察哨上的哨兵工作环境很艰苦。

    The working environment for guards at the observation post is very tough .

  2. 在观察哨等我换班的那个士兵在我到达时显得不耐烦了。

    The man I was relieving in the observation post was impatient when I arrived .

  3. 叙述了情报终端、情报处理系统的功能、硬件组成,在对DTMF信号分析的基础上,定义了观察哨情报的基本信息格式,说明了软件设计及实现方法。

    Secondly , based on the analysis of DTMF , the basic information format of antiaircraft lookout intelligence is defined . Thirdly , the software design and its realization are presented .

  4. 我们已经在城市四周布置了些观察哨。

    We have stationed several observers around the city .

  5. 观察哨和只测角传感器航迹融合算法

    Fusion algorithm for anti-aircraft lookout post and bearings-only sensors

  6. 我告诉你让你在五里线设置观察哨

    I told you to set up an O.P. at the five-mile line .

  7. 对空观察哨情报融合

    Intelligence Fusion of Air Observation Post

  8. 没有辅助太空观测资料的航行。观察哨和只测角传感器航迹融合算法

    Navigation without the aid of celestial observations . Fusion algorithm for anti-aircraft lookout post and bearings-only sensors

  9. 戈尔兹到山上视察了进攻部署,到一个观察哨去了。

    Gloz had been up to inspect the disposition for the attack and was on his way to an observation post .

  10. 第二天早晨天一亮,观察哨看到不是一条,不是两条,而是十条海盗船(向他们)驶来。

    As dawn came the next morning , the lookout spotted not one , not two , but TEN pirate ships approaching .