
  • 网络ornamental plants;ornamental flower
  1. 滇西北野生观赏花卉调查

    A Report on the Wild Ornamental Plants from Northwest Yunnan

  2. 报道山西历山自然保护区的野生观赏花卉植物,共667种。

    The wild ornamental plants of Lishan Mountain Nature Reserve in Shanxi were reported , totally 667 species .

  3. 长春花(Catharanthusroseus(L.)G.Don)既是一种观赏花卉,又是一种重要的药用植物。

    Catharanthus roseus is a kind of ornamental plant , but also is an important medicinal plant .

  4. 本研究用野生型、突变型MAPKK基因转化观赏花卉大岩桐,为进一步研究MAPKK基因的功能奠定基础,也为花卉植物的转基因提供实验系统。

    The aim of this research is to establish a transgenic system for flower plants and investigate the functions of MAPKK in transgenic plants in the future .

  5. 百合(LiLiumspp.)花姿秀美,花茎挺拔,是点缀庭院的名贵观赏花卉,是世界上著名的五大鲜切花之一,深受世界各国人民的喜爱。

    With the graceful posture , tall and straight flower stalk , Lily ( LiLium spp. ) is suitable for using in the garden . As one of the most famous cut flowers in the world , it is widely favored by the peoples from various countries .

  6. 非洲的苦苣苔科植物资源并不丰富,但在东非的一小块区域却是各种艳丽的Saintpaulia的原产地,这种苦苣苔又称为非洲紫罗兰,现已成为西方国家室内观赏花卉的重要品种。

    Africa is not so rich on species , but from a rather small area in East Africa originate the various Saintpaulia , Which as the " African violet " is easily today the most admired little flowering plant in the home of West countries .

  7. 几种观赏花卉对土壤铅的吸收特性和抗性能力研究

    Pb-endurance and Accumulative Characteristics of Several Varieties of Ornamental Flowers

  8. 水仙是我国传统十大名花之一,属于著名观赏花卉。

    Narcissus is one of Chinese traditional ornamental flowers of the top 10 .

  9. 几种观赏花卉的组织培养

    Tissue culture of the several ornamental flower species

  10. 3个新品种株型好,叶片色彩艳丽,是既可观叶又可观花的室内草本观赏花卉新品种。

    These new varieties are suitable indoor plants for both foliage and flower ornamental purposes .

  11. 明清时期云南的观赏花卉资源

    On the Exploitation of Ornamental Flowers and Plants Resources of Yunnan during the Ming-Qing Dynasties

  12. 野生于我国东部和南部山坡林荫下,为著名的盆栽观赏花卉。

    Wild in eastern and southern China under the tree-lined slopes , watch for the well-known flower pot .

  13. 由于特殊的花器官结构和开花习性,蓝猪耳成为一种理想的适于进行科学研究的观赏花卉。

    Torenia is an optical ornamental plant for scientific research because of its specific flower structure and flowering habit .

  14. 兰花是珍贵的观赏花卉,开展兰花育种研究具有重要的意义。

    The orchid is a rare ornamental flower and it is of important significance to study the breeding of orchid .

  15. 这是国内首次培育出花具香味的秋海棠新品种。新品种株型好,是一类既可观叶又可观花的室内草本观赏花卉。

    The new varieties all have fragrant flowers and are suitable indoor plants both for foliage and flower ornamental purposes .

  16. 百合是著名的观赏花卉,其花期的长短是衡量其观赏价值的一个重要指标。

    As a famous ornamental flower , the blooming period length of lily is an important index to evaluate ornamental value .

  17. 高山杜鹃是名贵的观赏花卉,被认为具有极高的观赏和经济价值。

    Rhododendron hybrids is a precious ornamental flowers , it is highly considered to has the value of ornamental and economic .

  18. 在同一时间,将主要用于支持该植物园的科技攻关计划,在开发新的和改进的观赏花卉和植物。

    At the same time , it will be used to support the Arboretum 's research programs in the development of new and improved ornamental and floral plants .

  19. 常见凤仙花多为单色,单瓣较多,重瓣花型简单,且花多为叶腋处着生,大大限制了凤仙花作为常规观赏花卉的充分开发利用。

    Common for monochrome , single impatiens , double pattern is simple , and spend more bears for axils , greatly limits the conventional ornamental flowers impatiens as fully exploited .

  20. 本文报道四川攀西地区引进的53科143个观赏花卉品种的引种试种情况。

    There are 143 introduced species ( varieties ), belonging to 53 families , of south subtropical ornamental flowers in Panzhihua and Xichang area ( Panxi area ) of Sichuan .

  21. 观赏性花卉无土栽培条件的生长动力学方程的建立

    A Growth Kinetic Equation for Several Ornamental Plants Under Soilless Cultivation Condition

  22. 携带检疫性病害的寄主植物主要以观赏性花卉、苗木及繁殖器官传播的病害最多,占36.5%,其次为水果及木制品,为13.5%和10.4%。

    With the enjoy the sight of flower young plant and propagation organ were the main plants with quarantine disease pests , then were fruit and fruit tresses the rates of intercept and capture were 36.5 % and 13.5 % respectively .

  23. 除了观赏之外,花卉还有一种重要的用途&食用。

    Besides view and admire , there is an important use of flowers & eating .

  24. 兰花是世界著名的观赏和药用花卉,市场需求很大。

    The orchid family is one of the famous ornamental and medical plants in the world .

  25. 大多数农作物、果树、蔬菜、观赏植物和花卉等都能形成丛枝菌根。

    Most of the crops , fruit trees , vegetables , ornamental plants and flowers can form arbuscular mycorrhizae .

  26. 许多游客慕名去荷兰观赏色彩艳丽的花卉和令人眼花缭乱的花田。

    Many tourists visit the coun ­ try just to see the bright colored flower and the astonishing view over the bulb fields .

  27. 蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis)又称蝶兰,因其花形别致,色彩艳丽,具有很高的观赏价值,在观赏花卉中占有重要的地位。

    Phalaenopsis , is also known as butterfly orchid , because of its unique flower-shaped , colorful , has high ornamental value , and occupies an important position in ornamental flowers .

  28. 由于这2个物种具有地处黄山风景区的地理优势和花朵多、花期长、花姿优美等观赏性特点以及遗传优势,如加以合理的开发与利用,可以作为观赏花卉新资源。

    Because the two species possess the geographic advantage , richness of flowers , the long span of flowering time and their greater genetic diversity , it is prosperous for the two species to be new ornamental resources .

  29. 本研究的主要成果如下:一、通过分析观赏草的内涵,明确了观赏草的概念,进一步分析探讨了观赏草与花卉、观赏植物(园林植物)的联系与区别。

    The main results were as follow : 1.By the analysis of the connotation of the ornamental grasses , the concept of the ornamental grasses had been definitude ; Further more , the relation and difference between the flowers and ornamental plants were discussed . 2 .