
chú jú
  • daisy;marguerite;Bellis perennis
雏菊[chú jú]
  1. 你很容易喜欢小雏菊,但也很容易厌倦。

    Daisy is easy to like but can easily get boring .

  2. 小雏菊让我想起我小时候在祖父母家度过的夏天。

    Daisy reminds me of the summers I spend at my grandparents ' house as a little girl .

  3. 如果你针线活做得好,可以在自己的毛衣上绣几朵雏菊做点缀。

    If you 're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with daisies .

  4. 他看到面前是一片长满雏菊的草地。

    He saw before him a meadow spread with daisies .

  5. 路旁星星点点地开着许多小雏菊。

    Blooming little daisies were seen here and there on either side of the road .

  6. 芬的头上戴着一顶金灿灿的雏菊花冠。

    Fern had a crown of daisies in her hair .

  7. 我现在闻小雏菊的味道,就像回到了2015年春夏,当时我简直爱到用到空瓶。

    I smell Daisy now and I am taken back to spring / summer 2015 when I wore the heck out of my bottle .

  8. 我为她穿上一身带黄色雏菊图案的蓝色连衣裙。

    I put her in a blue dress with yellow daisies .

  9. 用小苍兰而不是雏菊.-明智的选择,夫人。

    Freesia instead of daisies . - wise choice , madam .

  10. 用小苍兰而不是雏菊.-明智的选择,夫人.

    Freesia instead of daisies . - Wise choice , madam .

  11. 美洲西部的一个低矮丛生的草本植物属;复活节雏菊。

    Genus of western American low tufted herbs : Easter daisy .

  12. 当小雏菊听到这个的时候,她开心极了。

    When Little Daisy heard this , she was very happy .

  13. 说着,他从身后抽出一束雏菊。

    He pulled a bunch of daisies from behind his back .

  14. 黄花是毛茛属植物,白花是雏菊。

    The yellow ones are buttercups and the white ones are daisies .

  15. 亮亮的黄色及橙色水仙花种在我的白色雏菊旁。

    Bright yellow and orange daffodils grow next to my white daisies .

  16. 我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。

    I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular .

  17. 开有像雏菊般花冠的蓝目菊属植物。

    Any of several plants of the genus arctotis having daisylike flowers .

  18. 雏菊主要有白色、粉色和紫色。

    Daisies come in various colors like pink , purple and white .

  19. 雏菊在英格兰大地上是一种常见的花。

    The daisy is a common flower in English fields .

  20. 我发现草地上长满了这类雏菊。

    I found these daisies growing wild in the meadow .

  21. 除了观察雏菊之外,艾伦还喜欢搞些小发明。

    Besides watching the daisies , Alan liked inventing things .

  22. 有一天,我看见一颗开满花的雏菊。

    And one day , I saw an entire field of one-petaled daisies .

  23. 我开始每天送给她一盆雏菊。

    I began delivering daisies to her every day .

  24. 我可以把这些雏菊用在画展上吗?

    Can I use these daisies for my exhibition ?

  25. 我们走过一片雏菊盛开的原野。

    We walked through a field thick with daisies .

  26. 凡高画的是向日葵,我画的是雏菊。

    Van Gogh painted sunflowers . I paint daisies .

  27. 葡萄牙的一种类似于牛眼雏菊的多年生植物。

    Perennial of Portugal similar to the oxeye daisy .

  28. 他们一起采集雏菊,拿回家。

    Together they gathered marguerites and brought them home .

  29. 这是一朵很普通的小雏菊。

    It is a simple daisy , just bursting out of the bud .

  30. 踱步出去,那里没有鸟语花香,没有,我的雏菊。

    Pacing out , where there are neither fine springs nor my daisy .