- 名duckling

Modified Comet Assay Detecting DNA Damage Induced by Aflatoxin B_1 in Duckling Hepatic Cells
Using techniques such as 3H permeation examination method , immunological electronmicroscopy , ELISA and duckling infection test , the efficacy of combination of short-wave ultraviolet rays ( UVC ) and cross-linked starch iodine ( CSI ) in inactivating DHBV in plasma was observed .
Study on the Induction of DNA Damage in Hepatic Cells by Aflatoxin B_1 in Ducklings
Effects of Vitamin B_2 on Growth Performance and Biochemical Indexes of Laying Ducklings Reared in Cages
It was diluted into different concentration to immunize 1-day-old ducklings and the immunized ducklings were challenged with new serotype duck hepatitis virus in the 10th day .
Pathological observation of ducklings infected with H5N1 avian influenza virus
Pathological Changes and Viral Distribution in Vivo of Ducks Infected with H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus
Study on the NO Concentration and NOS Activity in the Serum and Tissues of Ducklings with Selenium Poisoning
Effect of high copper on the peripheral blood T-lymphocytes and the serum interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) contents in ducklings
Determining the location of duck hepatitis virus in inoculated ducklings by monoclonal antibody-pap technique
[ Objective ] To screen the duck model with congenital infection of duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) method .
Relationship Between the Dynamic Changes of NO , TNF , IL-2 and Tissue Hurt of Ducklings Infected with New Type Duck Hepatitis Virus
[ Methods ] Serum DHBV-DNA level in one-day-old ducklings was detected by PCR method and was compared with that by Dot-blot method .
Influence of artificial infection with Salmonella enteritidis on the activities of SOD and POD and the content of MDA in the spleen of infected ducks
Study on the activity change of NOS in serum and liver leaded by Duck Virus Hepatitis
The duck parvovirus disease is an acute and contagious disease caused by the Duck Parvovirus ( DPV ) .
The effect of the Chinese herbal medicine preparation on the activity of protective enzyme and the content of MDA in liver and spleen of ducks were studied .
Methods : An acute hepatic failure model was established in ducklings infected DHBV with lipopolysaccharides ( LPS ) .
Detecting Escherichia 、 Staphylococcus and Lactobacillus for Low-DPV Oral duck in Trachea
The effect of the activity of enzyme and the content of MDA in blood and lung of ducks with oral intake of Chinese herbal medicine preparation is studied .
Study on the Distribution and Excretion in Ducklings Vaccined with Duck Plague Virus Attenuated Cha Strain in Different Inoculated Routes
Liver samples were collected on the 1st , 3rd , 5th and 7th day after infection to measure the content of CAT , GSH-Px and SOD .
Protective Effect of Paris Polyphylla Smith on Acute Hepatic Failure of Ducklings Infected Duck Hepatitis B Virus
The notable enhanced cell mediated immunity in the experiment group was different ( P0.05 ) or very different ( P0.01 ) from the control and was about 2 weeks in duration .
Histopathological examination revealed the hemorrhagic and necrotic inflammation of the liver at 24h post inoculation . At 48h to 96h post inoculation , proliferative inflammation was observed .
The positive coincidence rate when compare RA isolation with FQ-PCR to detect the samples of heart , liver and brain from died ducking experimental infected with RA was 100 percent .
The results showed the ducklings supplemented with vitamine E indifferent ways ( administering or intramuscularly ) indicated that incidence of group ⅰ and ⅱ ducklings were 28.3 % and 55 % , and mortality 6.6 % and20 % , respectively .
The Investigation of Duck Hepatitis B Virus about Molecular Epidemiology and the Establishment and Preliminary Application of Disease-model of DHBV by Artificially Infecting Ducklings
There were no differences ( P 0.05 ) in weight gain and feed conversion for dietary Mn deficiency ( containing Mn 19 ppm ), but significant ( P0.01 ) while supplying excess Mn ( containing 3519 ppm ) for ducklings .
The results of the histopathology observation showed that the cells of apoptosis in thymus , bursa of Fabricius , and spleen of ducks infected with AIV were mainly lymphocyte .