
  • 网络mortality curve
  1. 死亡曲线逐渐上升,到65岁时成平稳状态。

    The mortality curve ascends gradually to a plateau at age 65 .

  2. 死亡曲线有两个高峰,分株死亡主要集中在前期,主要原因是母竹营养供应不足。

    Mortality curve of bamboo shoot - young clone population had two climax . The death of most young ramet was at previous stage , and the main reason was the short of nutrition .

  3. 毒力回归方程b值的毒理学意义及剂量死亡曲线坡度度量的探讨

    On the Toxicological Meaning of b of the Linear Regression Equation and the Measurement of the Slope of Dose / lethal Curve

  4. 高海拔孵化鸡胚死亡曲线分析

    Curve analysis of embryonic mortality in chickens incubation at high altitude

  5. 强噪声场中豚鼠的死亡曲线

    Lethal threshold curve of guinea-pigs in high-intensity sound field

  6. 胚胎在孵化过程中死亡曲线约呈双峰型。

    During incubation , embryo has two peaks of death in this experiment .

  7. 死亡曲线有右纠凸形、对角线形和左斜凹形3种形状。

    The dead curves have three shapes : right side convex , diagonal line and left side concave .

  8. 分析了珙桐的径级结构、高度结构,编制了静态生命表;绘制了存活曲线和死亡曲线;

    The population structure both in stem size and in height were analyzed , and lifes tables , and survival and death curves were made .

  9. 分析了白皮松的群落学特征、径级结构及其密度变化规律;绘制了存活曲线和死亡曲线,从多角度研究了白皮松幼林种群的动态变化规律。

    The community feature , size-class structure , the regulation of changing density were analyzed and the survival curve , the death curve and the life table were worked out .

  10. 目的采用自体血栓栓塞模型计算超急性期脑缺血时脑组织的死亡概率曲线,并通过概率曲线计算缺血半暗带的阈值。

    Objective To calculate the probability curve of infarct at the hyperacute stage in embolic model of cerebral ischemia using model by an autologous blood clot and evaluate the threshold of the penumbra by the probability curve of infarct .

  11. 肝癌年龄别发病(死亡)率曲线数学模型拟合的研究

    Model fitting of practical PLC age morbidity ( mortality ) data curve

  12. 结果:自杀已遂的66例人口中,男女比为2.67:1。自杀死亡年龄分布曲线呈双峰,男性自杀死亡高峰期滞后于女性。

    Result : For the 66 suicide deaths reported , the rate of male versus female is 2.67:1 . The curve of age shows two pinnacles .

  13. 死亡密度函数曲线呈现前期下降,后期平缓稳定的特点,凹点出现于第3龄级;

    Death density function curve displayed the character of descent in the earliness and stabilization in the late stage with the concave point in the third age class .

  14. 拒食率随剂量的增加而增加不是必然现象,同一处理时间下,拒食剂浓度与拒食率呈线性相关性,与剂量-死亡效应的S曲线有着本质的不同。

    Concentration of antifeedant insecticide and antifeedant rate are line correlation , which is different substantially with correlation of dose and mortality .