
  • 网络probability of death;mortality probability
  1. 调整未成年人死亡概率及实证分析

    Adjustment infant mortality probability and evidence analysis

  2. 死亡概率5岁前男性稍低于女性,5岁以后女性略低于男性,5岁至35岁死亡概率较低,男、女均在0.1‰以下。

    The mortality probability under 5 years of age was a little lower in males than that in females and vice versa after 5 years old . It was low from 5 to 35 years old in both sexes , being under 0.1 ‰ .

  3. 研究人员发现,一个人日常行为能力的下降比其所患疾病更能预示六个月内的死亡概率。

    Researchers found declines in a person 's ability to carry out activities of daily living were stronger predictors of six-month mortality than the diseases that a person has .

  4. 利用Bayse分析,给出了死亡概率的分布转移方程。

    The distribution transition equation of the death probability is given by using Bayes analysis .

  5. 阶段回归及回归修匀百分比本文从巴西保险业1998-2001年的数据的样本中位数入手通过Bayesian修匀和分段参数修匀得到一张18-95岁人群男性的死亡概率表。

    Study on The Step Regression and The Percent Averaged by The Regression This paper constructs a mortality table of men from eighteen to ninety-five based on the median of Brazilian insurers for the four years 1998 to 2001 , in which using Bayesian graduation and Spline graduation .

  6. 结果性别因素对慢性重型乙型肝炎死亡概率无影响。

    RESULTS Sex is independent of prognosis for CSHB death probability .

  7. 距离和在医院的死亡概率呈正相关。

    Distance was positively associated with the probability of dying in hospital .

  8. 预测乙肝后肝硬化死亡概率模型的研究

    A Study of Predictive Model for Prognosis of Hepatitis B Related Cirrhosis

  9. 慢性重型乙型肝炎预后指标与死亡概率关系的判别分析

    Discriminant Function for Prognostic Indexes and Probability of Death in Chronic Severe Hepatitis B

  10. 三种致病菌在鲜榨苹果汁中的生存/死亡概率预测模型

    Predictive Model on the Growth / No-growth Probability of Three Pathogenic Bacterias in Fresh Apple Juices

  11. 研究发现,等效新陈代谢水平每上升1个百分点,死亡概率便同时下降12个百分点。

    The study found that the risk of death dropped 12 percent for each increasing MET level .

  12. 模拟光辐射烧伤动物模型的建立和死亡概率的研究

    Setting up of an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and study on its death probability

  13. 而那些伤势恶化的运动员死亡概率高达50%。

    those who suffer further injury as a result have a 50 / 50 chance of dying .

  14. 计算节约时间的收益和降低死亡概率的收益,就是两个例子。

    Two examples are computing the benefits of saving time and the benefits of reducing the probability of death .

  15. 急性脑缺血脑血流变化与脑组织死亡概率间关系的实验研究

    The Relationship between the Change of Blood Flow and the Probability of Infarct in the Embolic Model of Cerebral Ischemia

  16. 自定义函数在生产统计报表中的应用表明预期寿命和死亡概率与年龄性别和职业的函数精算表格。

    An actuarial table indicating life expectancy and probability of death as a function or age and sex and occupation etc.

  17. 如果你受它感染,你的死亡概率已经会达到70%,但是它并不轻易传染。

    It already has a 70 percent mortality rate if you get it , but it 's hard to get .

  18. 一个孩子在出生第一年的死亡概率为7.2%,比另一个孩子高出一倍以上。

    One child has a7.2 percent chance of dying in their first year – more than twice that of the other .

  19. 在生育率内生的情况下,引入寿命不确定性,建立生育率、死亡概率和经济增长率的随机动态模型。

    The uncertain longevity and endogenous fertility were introduced into a stochastic model in the continuous time , overlapping generations ′ economy .

  20. 采用事故泄漏概率和引起急性中毒死亡概率的耦合计算急性中毒事故风险概率。

    The risk possibility was calculated by using the coupling calculation of leakage accident probability and death probability caused by acute poisoning .

  21. 当风险厌恶系数较小时,生育率与死亡率是正相关的,经济增长率与死亡概率也是正相关的。

    But if RRAC was relatively small , then mortality and fertility were positively correlated while mortality and economic growth rate were negatively correlated .

  22. 本文分别对烧伤总面积、Ⅲ度烧伤面积及烧伤指数与死亡概率的关系,进行了回归分析。

    Regressive analysis is also separately made on the total , third-degree burn and the relationship between the burn index number and the probability of death .

  23. 职工35岁以前死亡概率低于居民,35岁以后高于居民。

    The mortality of the staff younger than 35 years old was lower than local residents , while the staff elder than 35 years old was higher .

  24. 然而,在卡斯商学院的权威研究之前,保险精算师就已开始把悲伤致死的趋势融入他们用来计算客户死亡概率的模型中。

    Even before the definitive Cass study , however , actuaries had begun to incorporate the broken heart trend into their mathematical models calculating the chances of clients dying .

  25. 目的分析影响颅内损伤住院患者结局的各种因素,计算其效应大小并拟合死亡概率模型,为提高颅内损伤救治水平提供有用信息。

    Objective To find the factors to outcome of intracranial injury through study of their association , and establish the formula of probability of death of intracranial injury patients .

  26. 还有另外八个关于β胡萝卜素的研究表明,与其说预防了心脏病,不如说这反而轻微增加了死亡概率。

    The study also scrutinized eight beta-carotene studies and determined that , rather than prevent heart disease , those supplements produced a slight increase in the risk of death .

  27. 运用生命表可以计算品牌的死亡概率和品牌群体寿命的预期,对行业品牌群体进行寿命分析,探索品牌种群生存演化规律。

    Through the life analysis of mortality rate in different brand age , brands group life can be anticipated in order to explorate survival evolution rules of brands group .

  28. 目的:建立大鼠模拟光辐射烧伤动物模型,并对其死亡概率和早期病理变化进行研究,以期为光辐射烧伤后早期损伤机制的阐明奠定基础。

    Objective : To set up an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and to study the death probability and the early pathological changes in order to provide the basis for clarification of the mechanisms of early injuries .

  29. 目的采用自体血栓栓塞模型计算超急性期脑缺血时脑组织的死亡概率曲线,并通过概率曲线计算缺血半暗带的阈值。

    Objective To calculate the probability curve of infarct at the hyperacute stage in embolic model of cerebral ischemia using model by an autologous blood clot and evaluate the threshold of the penumbra by the probability curve of infarct .

  30. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)2010年的一项研究发现,每天坐的时间超过6小时的妇女,其过早死亡的概率比坐的时间不到3小时的妇女高出37%,而男性这一概率则高出18%。

    A 2010 study by the American Cancer Society found that women who sat more than six hours a day were 37 % more likely to die prematurely than women who sat for less than three hours , while the early-death rate for men was 18 % higher .