
cū sǐ wánɡ lǜ
  • crude death rate
  1. 死亡19人,粗死亡率为124.38/10万,标化死亡率为112.57/10万;

    The crude death rate was 12.438 per million .

  2. 死亡水平的指标:粗死亡率、标化死亡率、不同性别及年龄段人群死亡率和死因别死亡率。

    Index of death level : including crude death rate , death rate and cause-specific death rate in different age or gender and standardized mortality rate , 3 .

  3. 伤害粗死亡率男性高于女性。

    The mortality of injury in males was higher than that of females .

  4. 男性胃癌粗死亡率为女性的1.9倍。

    The stomach cancer mortality rate of males was 1.9 times of that of females .

  5. 分时间段比较,其死亡特点为随时间推移粗死亡率上升,标化死亡率升中有降。主要死因为恶性肿瘤、意外伤亡、循环系病。

    The main death causes were malignant tumor , accidental injury and diseases of circulation system .

  6. 对于粗死亡率的修匀采用了考虑波动因素的整体参数修匀法。

    A modified global graduation method considering fluctuation is used to graduate the crude mortality rates .

  7. 男性三大类疾病的粗死亡率均高于女性。

    The crude mortality rates of these three categories disease of female were all higher than the male .

  8. 本文利用死亡率差别指数,分析了湖南省1975与1981年粗死亡率,并与标准化死亡率进行了比较。

    The crude mortality of Hunan province in 1975 and 1981 was analysed by using different indeces of mortality .

  9. 婴儿死亡率为8.58‰,50岁及以上死亡构成比为52.38%,粗死亡率为2.82‰。

    The dead ratio over 50 years old is 52.38 % . The rude mortality rate is 2.82 ‰ .

  10. 结论人口的老龄趋势已是上海市慢病粗死亡率出现上升趋势的主要影响因素。

    Conclusion The increase of crude mortality of major NCDs was mainly due to the trend of aging in Shanghai .

  11. 同时对粗死亡率和年龄调整死亡率进行计算,并从年龄调整死亡率的年度百分比变化评估死亡率趋势。

    Crude and age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated and mortality trends were assessed from the annual percentage change in the age-adjusted mortality rate .

  12. 结果1996~2005年安徽省恶性肿瘤平均粗死亡率为127.69/10万(标化率为113.35/10万)。

    Results From 1996 to 2005 , the crude mortality rate of cancer was 127.69 per 100 000 ( adjusted mortality rate 113.35/100 000 ) .

  13. 本文运用几种常见的死亡水平间接估计方法,以中国第五次人口普查原始数据为基础,估测了五普人口粗死亡率、死亡漏报水平和人口平均预期寿命。

    Based on the fifth census data , by using indirect estimation methods , the author estimates the gross mortality , unreported death level and life expectancy at birth .

  14. 人口老龄化因素可使主要死因别粗死亡率在1979~1993年间增加33%以上,在1993~2020年间增加50%以上。

    Due to population aging , the main crude cause specific death rates might increase more than 33 % in 1979  ̄ 1993 , and over 50 % in 1993  ̄ 2020 .

  15. [结果]内乡县1984~2003年胃癌粗死亡率为80.06/10万,中国标化死亡率为69.20/10万,占恶性肿瘤死亡的36.87%。

    [ Results ] The crude mortality of gastric cancer was 80.06/105 and the age-standarized mortality adjusted by Chinese standard population ( 1982 ) was 69.20 / 105 , it accounted for 36.87 % of all malignance death .

  16. 肝癌粗死亡率为13.32/10万,标化死亡率为10.81/10万;占恶性肿瘤的11.67%。

    The results showed that the crude mortality rate of liver cancer was 13 . 32 / 100,000 , and the standard mortality rate was 10 . 81 / 100,000 , which accounted for 11 . 67 % among the malignant tumours .

  17. [结果]河南省1984~2002年食管癌粗死亡率为31.71/10万,中调率为23.51/10万,占恶性肿瘤死亡的31.52%,居第1位。

    The crude mortality of esophageal cancer was 31.71/105 and the age-standarized mortality adjusted by Chinese standard population ( 1982 ) was 23.51/105 in Henan in 1984 ~ 2002 . It accounted for 28.65 % and ranked the first in all malignance death cause .

  18. 医院2的粗死亡率最低(0.98%),但就其中低死亡风险病例的死亡率(0.28%)而言则是高于7家医院这一风险等级住院死亡率的平均水平(0.26%);

    The raw hospital mortality was the lowest in No. 2 hospital ( 0.98 % ), but the mortality of low risk group in this hospital was higher than the average level of the same risk group among these 7 hospitals ; the status of No.

  19. 五年间全县死于恶性肿瘤2763人,年均粗死亡率为87.68/10万,中国标化死亡率为82.21/10万,居全死因的第三位。

    2763 persons died of malignant tumours at the whole town during five years . The crude death rate each year was 87 . 68 / 100,000 . The standardized rate in China is 82 . 21 / 100,000 , which rank third among all causes of death .

  20. 然后分别计算各医院不同风险级别病例的住院死亡率,并以此为指标评价医院的医疗质量,同时与直接使用粗住院死亡率进行评价的结果相比较。

    The differences between the assessment results from using the raw hospital mortality and from using Diagnosis Relative Groups Mortality Risk Classification ( DRGs-MRC ) were compared .