
  • 网络NMR;Neonatal mortality rate;Neonatal mortality;mortality
  1. 农村贫困地区围产保健服务情况及其对孕产妇和新生儿死亡率的影响

    Situation of Perinatal Health Services in Poor Rural Areas and it 's Effect on MMR and NMR

  2. 直接影响新生儿死亡率的因素是住院分娩率,间接影响新生儿死亡率的因素是每千人口床位数,人均收入,少数民族人口比例。

    The net indirect factors influencing NMR were the bed per capita , the income per capita and percentage of minority population .

  3. 脐血β2-mG含量越高,新生儿死亡率亦高。

    The more navel blood β _2-MG contains , the higher the mortality of newborns is .

  4. 建立NTN是降低新生儿死亡率的重要措施。

    The NTN is an important step to the reduction of the mortality of neonates .

  5. JoyLawn:“如果有医疗工作者,合适的工具和正确的药物,母体和新生儿死亡率肯定能够降低一半。”

    JOY LAWN : " If you had the health workers with the right equipment and the right drugs in these settings , maternal and neonatal deaths -- child deaths -- could be d. "

  6. 有大量的证据表明Bang的方法可行&在该系统进行试点的Gadchiroli地区的农村村庄,新生儿死亡率下降了2/3。

    There is ample evidence that the Bangs'approach works & neonatal mortality rates have dropped by two-thirds in rural villages of Gadchiroli , where the system was pioneered .

  7. 【方法】采用1995年苏州地区围产保健监测资料,比较单、双胎孕周、出生体重、Apgar评分、新生儿死亡率及死亡原因。【结果】双胎妊娠中早产儿占35.0%;

    【 Methods 】 Using perinatal data of the Suzhou area in 1995 , the gestational age , birth weight , Apgar score , the causes of neonatal death were compared between twin and single pregnancies .

  8. JoyLawn:“不要在肮脏的地方分娩,将婴儿擦干,保持温暖,立即给婴儿喂奶。这些措施几乎可以使印度农村地区的新生儿死亡率降低一半。”

    JOY LAWN : " Not delivering the baby onto a dirty surface , drying the baby , keeping the baby warm and feeding the baby almost a halving of newborn deaths in very rural areas in India . " ( Field studies show that these simple steps could prevent at least two-thirds of deaths in newborns each year . )

  9. 如何进一步降低早期新生儿死亡率&围产期新生儿死亡评审资料分析

    How can the early neonatal mortality rate be further reduced

  10. 目的为降低新生儿死亡率,探讨新生儿死亡原因。

    Objective In order to reduce neonatal death rate , neonatal death cause .

  11. 1993年全省平均新生儿死亡率为71.52‰。

    The neonatal mortality of 23 counties were investigated in 1993 in Qinghai province .

  12. 新生儿死亡率即是如此,这是我们需要处理的又一个重大问题。

    This is the case with newborn mortality , another big problem we need to address .

  13. 这些结果表明为降低新生儿死亡率必须改善医疗服务的质量。

    These results suggest that , to decrease neonatal mortality , improved health service quality is crucial .

  14. 在医疗机构或专业医务人员看护下分娩与较低的新生儿死亡率不相关。

    Neither delivery in a health facility nor by health professionals was associated with fewer neonatal deaths .

  15. 1751年瑞典新生儿死亡率超过160人/千人。

    Back in 1751 the mortality rate of Swedish newborns was more than 160 per thousand people .

  16. 现在大部分注意力都集中在降低孕产妇和新生儿死亡率上,我们应当欢迎这一趋势。

    Much attention is now focused on reducing maternal and newborn mortality , and this should be welcomed .

  17. 双胎孕期增重16.0~24.0kg时死胎死产率和新生儿死亡率均低于3.0%;

    The perinatal mortality was below 3 % as the maternal weight gain ranged between 16.0 and 24.0 kg .

  18. 结论提高剖宫产率不能显著降低新生儿死亡率及重度窒息率。

    Conclusion The increased rate of cesarean section can not be a significant reduction in neonatal mortality and severe asphyxia .

  19. 与472例主动脉弓中断新生儿死亡率和手术方式相关的危险因子:先天性心脏病外科医师学会研究

    Risk factors associated with mortality and interventions in 472 neonates with interrupted aortic arch : A Congenital Heart Surgeons Society study

  20. 这一战略在死亡率高的环境中已显示其积极效果,降低了新生儿死亡率并改善了主要的新生儿护理做法。

    The strategy has shown positive results in high mortality settings by reducing newborn deaths and improving key newborn care practices .

  21. 目的探讨分娩方式变化及其与新生儿死亡率、重度窒息率的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the mode of delivery and its relationship with neonatal mortality , the rate of severe asphyxia relevance .

  22. 新生儿死亡率由1993~1995年的3.77‰下降为1999~2001年的0.26‰;

    The mortality of newborns has reduced from 3.77 ‰ of 1993 to 1995 to 0.26 ‰ of 1999 to 2001 ;

  23. 1933年美国新生儿死亡率超过40人/千人,到了2000年低于10人/千人。

    It was more than 40 per thousand in the US in 1933 . By 2000 it was below 10 per thousand .

  24. 在该区域,与在其它地方一样,要求降低孕产妇和新生儿死亡率的目标是一项主要挑战。

    In this region , as elsewhere , the goals calling for reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality present a major challenge .

  25. 目的探讨腹腔妊娠的早期诊断及积极有效的治疗措施,减少孕产妇、新生儿死亡率。

    Objective To explore early diagnosis and effective treatment of abdominal pregnancy , so as to decrease maternal and neonatal mortality rates .

  26. 5年间我市5岁以下儿童死亡率中新生儿死亡率、婴儿死亡率均呈逐年下降趋势。

    Over the 5-year period , the neonatal and infant 's mortality rates among children below 5 years old declined year by year .

  27. 检索结果中受到关注的是出生体重、低出生体重、小于胎龄儿、围产期死亡率和新生儿死亡率。

    Outcomes of interest were birth weight , low birth weight , small size for gestational age , perinatal mortality and neonatal mortality .

  28. 新生儿死亡率和低出生体重这两个指标反映在孕妇怀孕期护理、以及人口营养不良情况等。

    Both neonatal mortality and low birth weight are used as indicators of pregnancy care , as well as malnutrition in the population .

  29. 比如说,美国的新生儿死亡率是瑞典、德国、法国等国的两倍。

    Its infant-mortality rate , for example , is double that of Sweden , Germany and France ( to name only a few ) .

  30. 目的:探讨近12年来本院剖宫产率、剖宫产指征的变化和对早期新生儿死亡率、产后出血率的影响。

    Objective : To research the changing of rate and indications of cesarean section and their impacts on neonatal mortality and rate of postpartum bleeding .