
  • 网络new species
  1. 科学家们说,人们需要与时间赛跑,在新物种消失之前发现并命名它们。

    The scientists say there 's a race against time to find and name new species before they vanish .

  2. 为了探索生命的本质,人们迫切希望快速地获得新物种个体DNA分子的全部碱基序列。

    In order to explore the essence of life , people are eager to get all the bases on DNA molecules of new species quickly .

  3. 但在澳大利亚,由于长期以来引进新物种导致了诸多灾难性的后果,科学家会谨慎考虑应如何利用这些新信息。

    But in a country which has a long history of introducing species with disastrous10 consequences , scientists will be cautious with the way they use this new information .

  4. Brain大脑机器人这个新物种应该有头脑,并以经理机器人为先。

    This new robot species should be thoughtful , and for the first Manager Robot .

  5. 通过测出科学家事先发现和一致确定的线粒体DNA的一小片特定区域的序列,这项技术可以鉴定已知的物种,并发现新物种。

    The technique identifies known species and records new ones by sequencing a specific , short area of mitochondrial DNA , previously identified and agreed by scientists .

  6. 在关键生态系统合伙基金(CriticalEcosystemPartnershipFund)的资助下,科学家们继续在东弧山森林探险,以便寻找新物种并发现它们。

    With money from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund , scientists are continuing to explore the Eastern Arc forests in search of new species & and are finding them .

  7. 结论Cr(V)化合物与葡萄糖的配位体交换反应取决于配位体结构、葡萄糖的浓度及反应体系pH值,同时产生新物种。

    Conclusion The exchange reaction between Cr ( V ) and sugars depends on the structure of sugars , concentrations of sugars and pH values of the system . The lifetime of new species is related with the nature of the system .

  8. 新物种以该研究科学家莱因霍尔德·拉乌的名字命名,并称之为“RauQuagga”。

    The animals in this study have been named Rau Quagga , after Reinhold Rau , one of the scientists .

  9. 约翰内斯堡的威特沃特斯兰德大学教授LeeBerger,带领的研究团队经初步研究发现,新物种是化石史上最接近猿人谱系(Homolineage)的祖先。

    Initial research , led by Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand , in Johannesburg , concluded that the species came too late in the fossil record to be the ancestor of the Homo lineage .

  10. 2008年在南非一个洞穴内发现一个新物种化石,称做南方古猿sediba。

    Fossils of the new species , Australopithecus sediba , were discovered in 2008 in a cave in South Africa .

  11. 那次他找到的化石比这次少得多,但也足以得出找到了新物种的结论,他把该新物种命名为南方古猿源泉种(Australopithecussediba)。

    He found many fewer fossils that time , but enough to conclude he was looking at a new species , which he named Australopithecus sediba .

  12. 例如在2005年,科学家们发现了一个猴子的新物种,一种住在树上的苗条的灵长动物,叫做Kipunji。

    In2005 , for example , scientists discovered a new species of monkey , a slender , tree-dwelling primate called the Kipunji .

  13. 这种擅于跳跃的蟑螂有着leaproach的绰号,在本月被列为了2011的十大新物种之一。

    This month the jumping cockroach - nicknamed the ' leaproach ' - was named one of the top 10 new species for 2011 .

  14. 科学家把这一新物种命名为Australopithecusdeyiremeda(南猿近亲属),研究员利用一个上颌和两个下颌(下颌被发现时已是两半)来描述这一物种。

    Scientists have named the new species Australopithecus deyiremeda . Researchers used a partial upper jaw and two lower jaws ( one recovered in two pieces ) , to describe the species .

  15. 1995年愚人节,《发现》杂志公布,一位德高望重的、名叫AprilePazzo(意大利语:愚人节)的生物学家在南极洲发现了一种名叫热裸体钻冰虫的新物种。

    Discover Magazine announced in1995 that a highly respected biologist , Aprile Pazzo ( Italian for April Fool ), had discovered a new species in Antarctica : the hotheaded naked ice borer .

  16. 现在还没有证据表明它是一个新物种。

    There is nothing to suggest it is a different species .

  17. 这种水蛭在十大新物种之列。

    The leech is described in a top10 list of new species .

  18. 而且这足以让他们来描述一个新物种。

    And it was enough for them to describe a new species .

  19. 什么是物种?新物种是如何形成的?

    What are species ? How do new species arise ?

  20. 但是任何外来新物种都面临着一系列阻碍。

    But any new arrival faces a succession of hurdles .

  21. 他们通过外表及遗传特征来确定这些新物种。

    They confirmed the new species by description as well as genetics .

  22. 每年大概会给50个新物种命名。

    About 50 new species of dinosaurs named every year .

  23. 控制机构现在发展壮大的速度几乎和外来新物种一样快。

    Control agencies are now proliferating almost as fast as new exotic species .

  24. 新物种通常都是必要、有用或者至少是无害的。

    New species have often been essential , useful or at least harmless .

  25. 这也造就了新物种的探险家

    Thisgave rise toa new breed of celebrity adventurers ,

  26. 我想这可能是个新物种

    I think this could be a new species .

  27. 欧文没有离开过家,却意外记录了4种新物种。

    Without leaving her home , Owen had accidentally documented four entirely new species .

  28. 这种新物种的青苔是另一个物种的鳞证实了谭博士贝尼托。

    This new species of moss is yet another species of Taxiphyllum as confirmed by Dr.

  29. 他发现了一个新物种。

    He discovered a new species .

  30. 对32个小簇麦新物种、新类型材料的农艺性状及分子细胞遗传学进行了研究。

    The quality , disease resistance and molecular cytogenetics of32 new species and types from wreath .