
shān hú yán
  • coral rocks
  1. 铁和其他矿物偶尔也能发现包含在珊瑚岩里面。

    Occasionally , deposits of iron and other minerals have been discovered embedded in the coralite .

  2. 珊瑚岩是一种细小无害,蛇状,叫作珊瑚虫的生物的排泄物,外形像海绵。

    The excretion of a small , harmless , snake-shaped creature known as the coral grubb , coralite is spongelike in appearance .

  3. 基韦斯特市为于佛罗里达州的边缘,拥有温暖的沙滩、美丽的珊瑚岩和多样的男女同性恋社区。

    At the very tip of Florida , Key West has warm beaches , beautiful coral reefs and a diverse gay and lesbian community .

  4. 他站在珊瑚岩上,灰白的头发在风中飘动,我们听到了隐隐约约地从海面随风飘过来的一声“再见!”。

    While he stood on a coral rock with his grey hair blowing in the wind , we heard the single word " farewell " borne faintly over the sea .

  5. 珊瑚礁岩心声速垂向跃变及其指相意义

    A study on sound velocity vertical variety in coral reef core and its indicating facies significance

  6. 针对珊瑚礁岩土的土力学特点,加强珊瑚礁颗粒破碎机理及其对工程地质性质影响机制的研究;

    We also point out that we should strengthen the research of particle crushing mechanism and constitutive model of coral reef .

  7. 南沙群岛珊瑚礁灰岩弹性波性质的研究

    Elastic wave properties of coral reef rock in Nansha Islands

  8. 简单介绍苏丹港区珊瑚礁灰岩的地质特征及不均匀风化现象,以及该层的地基承载力。

    This paper introduces the geological features and the unhomogeneous weathering phenomenon of coral reef limestone of Sudan Port Area , and the bearing capacity of this layer .

  9. 西沙珊瑚砂屑灰岩的ESR年龄测定

    ESR dating of coral-fragment limestone from the Xisha Islands

  10. 一块块的石头被巩固在珊瑚礁的礁岩上。

    The lumps were cemented to the reef with coral .

  11. 礁块的粘结岩成骨架中通常有大洞,是由于生物快速生成形成的。一块块的石头被巩固在珊瑚礁的礁岩上。

    Reefy boundstone or framework commonly contains large cavities formed through rapid organic growth . The lumps were cemented to the reef with coral .

  12. 珊瑚礁工程地质研究的主要内容为珊瑚礁自然地质条件、珊瑚礁岩土物理力学性质和珊瑚礁混凝土料问题。

    The main contents of coral reef engineering geological research include physical geological conditions of coral reef , physical and mechanical characteristics of reef limestone and reef sand soil , and the problems of concrete material of coral debris , ect .