
  1. 甘肃蝗虫的新属新种

    New genera and new species of grasshoppers from gansu , China

  2. 鲤科鱼类之一新属新种

    Description of a new genus and species of cyprinid fish

  3. 鸟体恙螨一新属新种(真螨目:恙螨科)

    New genus and species of bird Chigger mites ( acariformes : trombiculidae )

  4. 半翅目叶蝉科殃叶蝉亚科新属新种中国。

    Hemiptera Cicadelidae Euscelinae new genus new species China .

  5. 膜翅目茧蜂科茧蜂亚科新属新种中国。

    Hymenoptera Braconidae Braoninae new genus new species China .

  6. 中国笔石科的演化和分类(附新属新种描述)

    THE EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS OF THE FAMILY SINOGRAPTIDAE ( With description of new genera and species )

  7. 这是犀牛。它是一个巨大的动物,在他的头上有一只角。独角犀的线虫一新属新种(线虫纲:圆线科,球首亚科)

    This is the rhino . He is a big animal and has a horn on his head .

  8. 西双版纳蝗虫的新属和新种

    New genus and new species of grasshoppers from xishuangbanna , China

  9. 中国鳀科鱼类一新属一新种

    A new genus and a new species of Chinese anchovies

  10. 内蒙古西部地区蝗虫的新属和新种(直翅目:蝗总科)

    New genera and new species of grasshoppers ( orthopterpa : acridoidea )

  11. 川、陕、滇蝗虫的新属和新种

    New genera and new species of grasshoppers from sichuan , Shaanxi and Yunnan

  12. 猎蝽科一新属二新种(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    A new genus and two new species of Reduviidae ( hemiptera : heteroptera )

  13. 携带肺吸虫尾蚴的淡水螺类一新属二新种记述

    On new genus and species of freshwater snails harbouring cercariae of lung flukes from China

  14. 滇、桂蝗虫新属和新种(直翅目,蝗总科)

    New genus and new species of grasshoppers from Yunnan and Guangxi ( orthoptera , acridoidea )

  15. 广西淡水虾一新属二新种记述

    A new genus and two new species of freshwater prawns ( crustacea decapoda ) from guangxi , China

  16. 云南省恙螨一新属两新种记述(蜱螨目:恙螨科)

    A new genus and two new species of Chigger Mites from Yunnan , China ( acarina : trombiculidae )

  17. 内蒙蝗虫一新属四新种(直翅目:蝗总科)

    One New Genus and Four New Species of Grasshoppers from Inner Mongolia , China ( Orthoptera : Acridoidea )

  18. 我国食植性林木广肩小蜂初志并记述一新属五新种

    A preliminary survey of the phytophagous species of EURYTOMIDAE know from China with descriptions of a new genus and five new species

  19. 中国海南岛淡水蟹类一新属二新种描述(甲壳亚门:十足目:短尾派:溪蟹科)

    On a new genus and two new species of freshwater crabs from Hainan island , china ( crustacea : decapoda : brachyura : potamidae )

  20. 第二部分分类,重点详细描述了新属、新种以及新记录属和种,并附有相应的显微照片,同时对东北地区已知属和种编制了分属、分种检索表。

    In Part II , detailed descriptions for new genus and new species are given , with related figs and photos . Keys to the genera and species of Northeastern China are also provided .

  21. 1998&2002年共引进国外灌木种批76个、58种,其中41个种在青海天然分布区之外,为首次引进新属、新种或新品种。

    From 1998 to 2002 , there are 76 groups and 58 kinds of shrub species introduced from foreign countries , with 41 kinds being new family and new species introduced for first time .

  22. 中国瘿螨科一新属及四新种记述(蜱蟥亚纲:瘿螨总科)

    One new genus and four new species of eriophyidae from China .

  23. 本文共描述1个新属11个新种。

    This paper treats of 1 new genus and 11 new species .

  24. 秦岭山区蚤类的研究(四)多毛蚤科一新亚科新属新种及其讨论

    Studies on siphonaptera from Qinling mountains , china ⅳ . description and Discussion on a new subfamily , genus and species of hystrichopsyllidae

  25. 经作者初步研究,计有48属80多种,其中包括1个新属11个新种。

    Based on the preliminary study , there are 48 genera and 80 species in total , including 1 new genus and 11 new species .

  26. 描述的菊石标本采自江西安福乐平系,计有2新属、2新种和1个未定种。

    The discussed Episageceratidae Ruzhencev were collected from Leping Coal Measures , Jiangxi , in relation to2 new genus , 2 new species and1 undefined species .

  27. 南海口足类(甲壳纲)一新属及二新种长江口邻近海域浮游十足类生态特征

    DISCRIPTION OF A NEW GENUS AND TWO NEW SPECIES OF STOMATOPOD CRUSTACEA FROM THE SOUTH CHINA SEA Ecological characteristics of the pelagic decapods in the Changjiang Estuary

  28. 本文列出了贵州省已发现的革螨,共有11科36属88种,其中包括2新属、29新种及7个我国的新纪录。

    In the present paper , 11 families , 36 genera and 88 species of gamasid mites collected from Guizhou Province are listed , among them 2 new genera , 29 new species and 7 new records from China are included .

  29. 我国虻科(双翅目)一新纪录属及一新种

    On a newly recorded genus and a new species of Tabanidae ( diptera ) from China

  30. 文中采用传统的形态分类学方法,鉴定并详细描述了在广西发现的瘿螨新属3个,新种32个,新记录种2个。

    According to morphology characters of the mites , 3 new genera and 32 new species are identified and described , another 2 species are found firstly in china .