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cū xīn
  • careless;thoughtless
粗心 [cū xīn]
  • [careless;hoity-toity] 不谨慎;不细心

  • 工作上粗心必然出差错

  • 我没有认出那位显贵人物实在是太粗心了

粗心[cū xīn]
  1. 粗心的驾驶员对于公众是一种危险。

    A careless driver is a danger to the public .

  2. 这么明显的错字他都没看出来,可见他很粗心。

    The character was obviously wrong but he didn 't pick it out . It shows how careless he was .

  3. 控方指控她粗心驾驶。

    The prosecution alleges she was driving carelessly .

  4. 当心不要因收放粗心压纵你的衣服。

    Take care not to crumple your dress by packing it carelessly .

  5. 我因粗心而被处罚。

    I have been punished for my carelessness .

  6. 粗心的司机对我们大家都是一种危险。

    A careless driver is a danger to us all .

  7. 她竟然粗心到考试会漏题。

    She is so careless that she past over some exam questions .

  8. 他是个粗心的司机,开车时经常漫不经心。

    He is a reckless driver and often drives in an absent way .

  9. 麻痹粗心是产生事故的主要原因。

    Carelessness is the main cause of work accidents .

  10. 这次事故在某种程度上是粗心造成的。

    The accident was due in part to carelessness .

  11. 他太粗心,结果坏了事。

    He was too careless and made a mess .

  12. 事故常起因于粗心。

    Accidents often arise from carelessness .

  13. 那是由于粗心造成的。

    That comes of being careless .

  14. 这个差错完全是由于粗心造成的。

    The error was due to carelessness pure and simple .

  15. 有了所需信息后,粗心的垃圾信息散布者常常会让机器人程序立即就发送POST。

    A careless spammer will just have the robot immediately send the POST , now that they have the required information .

  16. vt.破坏;毁坏粗心的孩子会弄坏所有的玩具。

    destroy Careless children destroy all their toys .

  17. 不,不,还是不。这一定是LG自2009年以来最粗心的用词不当,那年他们发布了一款“无边框”电视——按说应该是画面直达屏幕边缘。

    No , no and thrice no. This must be LG 's ditsyest linguistic error since 2009 , when they announced a " borderless " TV - supposedly with a picture going right to the screen 's edge .

  18. 这场导致三人丧生的车祸的原因是粗心驾驶。

    The accident resulting in three deaths resulted from careless driving .

  19. 回想起那晚我竟如此的粗心,心里就充满了懊悔。

    How regretful I was for my carelessness the night before !

  20. 你实在太粗心,把我的车钥匙弄丢了。

    It was careless of you to lose my car keys .

  21. 把生命的丧失归罪于司机的粗心。

    Charge the loss of lives to the driver 's carelessness .

  22. 你没锁门,太粗心了。

    It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked .

  23. 你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼道歉。

    You should make an apology to her for your carelessness .

  24. 我太粗心了,丢了雨伞。

    I am very careless , and have lost the umbrella .

  25. 竟然忘了这么重要的事,你多粗心啊!

    How careless you are to forget such an important thing !

  26. 他如此粗心,以至于做了一件愚蠢的事。

    He was so careless that he made a stupid thing .

  27. 你大概早把它们忘了,粗心的大男生。

    You must have forgotten it in your big boy move .

  28. 但是来自中国的何文波却认为计算器可减少粗心导致的错误。

    But He Wenbo from China says calculators reduce careless mistakes .

  29. 怪我粗心忘了关门。

    It was careless of me to leave the door open .

  30. 国际关系的粗心处理可能会引起一场战争。

    Careless handling of international relations can set off a war .