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xiōng è
  • ferocious;fierce;fiendish;inhuman;malevolence
凶恶 [xiōng è]
  • [fierce;ferocious;inhuman] 凶狠恶毒

  • 堕落而凶恶的人

凶恶[xiōng è]
  1. 我们是一帮凶恶残暴的嗜血海盗!

    We are a fierce and dirty band of cutthroat pirates !

  2. 他们并不凶恶,不象含有预示着马上要采取敌对行动的样子。

    They had not the fierce character bodying immediate hostile intention .

  3. 凶恶的动物必须关在笼子里。

    Vicious animals must be kept in cages .

  4. 他的行为像一头凶恶的野兽。

    He behaved like a ferocious animal .

  5. repressiveadj.压抑的,抑制的,镇压的人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫.

    The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime .

  6. 尽管许多人会认为某些特定品种的狗,就像是比特犬(pitbull)和罗特韦尔犬(Rottweiler)之类的,比起其他类型的狗更为凶恶。其实一旦受到惊吓,任何种类的狗都会分分钟发怒,变成“恶犬”。

    Though many people think certain breeds ( like pit bulls and Rottweilers ) are more aggressive than others , any dog can turn angry if surprised or threatened .

  7. 举个例子来说明如何使用这个单词吧。纳粹分子在二战中犯下的罪行是enormity(穷凶恶极的)。

    An example of how to use it is the following : The enormity of the crimes committed by the Nazis in World War II .

  8. 但是最近Instagram和Pinterest上最流行的是给婴儿画上奇怪甚至有点凶恶的眉毛然后再拍张照片。

    But the newest craze chocking up Instagram and Pinterest feeds simply involves drawing strange , slightly sinister eyebrows onto a baby 's face and taking a picture of it .

  9. 她15岁美丽的女儿Nisa和她的朋友Kayla被一群凶恶的野蛮人即MS-13黑帮组织残忍杀害。

    whose beautiful 15 year old daughter , Nisa , along with her friend Kayla , was brutally murdered by a gang of vile savages known as MS-13 .

  10. 别挑逗那条狗,它很凶恶的。

    Don 't tease that dog ! It is quite aggressive .

  11. 喂,他凶恶地说,我可逮住你啦!

    Now , he said fiercely , I 've got you !

  12. “举起手来!”一个凶恶的声音叫道。

    " Up with your hands !" yelled a savage voice .

  13. 四十年来伊丽莎白女王与凶恶的整个外部世界斗争。

    For forty years she 's battled with the world .

  14. 美国神话中有粗鲁和凶恶的成分。

    The American mythology contains a good deal of toughness and roughness .

  15. 他声音里流露出来的凶恶把她吓得往后退了一步。

    The savagery in his voice made her step back in terror .

  16. 他脸上那凹凸不平的疤使他显得更为凶恶可怕。

    The ragged scar on his face lent him a sinister look .

  17. 看来温顺的母牛也可能变成凶恶的公牛。

    It seems that peaceful cows may be unfriendly bulls .

  18. 接着他就变作一头凶恶的狮子!

    And with that , he transformed himself into a ferocious lion !

  19. 公牛用凶恶的双角抵伤了他们。

    The bull had gored them with its wicked horns .

  20. 他怎么能够阻止它们再次变得凶恶呢?

    How can he keep them from getting mean again ?

  21. 这头困兽变得凶恶起来。

    With his back to the wall , the animal became ferocious .

  22. 这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。

    The child was scared of the fierce looking dog .

  23. 凶恶的猛兽都出来伤害人类,人们的生活非常艰苦。

    All the monsters came out , people had led a hard life .

  24. 这凶恶的威胁可能以你为目标

    And threatenings of evil may beat on the shore

  25. 这孩子害怕那条凶恶的狗。

    The child was scared of the fierce dog .

  26. 还有食人生番比它们更加凶恶;

    And savage men more murd'rous still than they ;

  27. 皮毛大部分是黑色、长尾巴的小型凶恶的食肉有袋动物。

    Small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail .

  28. 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶…

    And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil ...

  29. 而且,母夜叉继续说道,她幸灾乐祸地欣赏自己这个凶恶的诡计。

    " And " Continued the hag , gloating over her fell scheme .

  30. 他们的狗是那么的凶恶,以致于没人敢走近它。

    Their dog was so fierce that no one dared come near it .