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cū liáng
  • Coarse grain;coarse food grain;roughness
粗粮 [cū liáng]
  • (1) [coarse food grain]∶指大米、白面以外的食粮,如玉米、高粱等

  • (2) [roughness]∶作饲料用的粮食

粗粮[cū liáng]
  1. 第三,是粮食,特别是粗粮在食物中所占的比例越来越低。

    Third , grains , especially coarse food grain in foods take-up a smaller proportion .

  2. 有16.2%的小学生家长喜欢吃零食,24.4%的家长喜欢吃较咸的菜肴,25.0%的家里从来不吃粗粮。

    Among their parents , 16.2 % liked snacks , 24.4 % had the habit of eating saltier foods , and 25.0 % had never touch coarse food grain .

  3. 很多饮食指南都极力推荐粗粮,因为其营养价值高,富含锌、铜、锰、铁和维生素B1。

    Whole grains are also widely recommended in many dietary guidelines because they contain high levels of nutrients like zinc , copper , manganese , iron and thiamine .

  4. 像其他的低脂饮食一样,Ornish的方案也建议人们多吃粗粮,水果,蔬菜,大豆等或是其它的菜类。

    SHIRLEY GRIFFITH : Like other low-fat diets , the Ornish plan suggests that people eat diets high in whole grains , fruits , vegetables , beans and other legumes .

  5. 纤维或粗粮对于消化平衡是必须的。

    Fiber , or roughage , is essential for balanced digestion .

  6. 小贴士:记得饮食中要有足够的粗粮。

    Tip : Remember to include enough roughage in your diet .

  7. 粗粮:用来饲养牲畜、家禽的粮食。

    Coarse grain ( s ): Cereal grains used to feed livestock .

  8. 伙计,他们拿什么喂你的,粗粮?

    Dude , what were they feeding you , kibble ?

  9. 选些粗粮食品如水果燕麦。

    Choose things that are whole-grain like oatmeal with fruit .

  10. 43.51%的居民经常食用粗粮或杂粮;

    43.51 % residents often eat coarse food grains .

  11. 他应当多吃水果,带叶的蔬菜和粗粮。

    He should eat plenty of fruits , leafy vegetables and coarse cereals .

  12. 给你一些生活的忠告:多吃些粗粮;

    I 'll give you some advice about life : Eat more roughage ;

  13. 硫胺素在谷物粗粮中含量丰富。

    Good sources of thiamine include unrefined cereal grains .

  14. 孩子要从饮食上注意,多给些粗粮、新鲜蔬菜和水果。

    Attention to more and more coarse grains , fresh vegetables and fruit .

  15. 亚太经社会区域粗粮和豆类生产区域合作专家小

    Expert Group on Regional Cooperation in the Production of Coarse Grains and Puls

  16. 给你生活的忠告多吃些粗粮;

    I 'll give you some advice about life . Eat more roughage ;

  17. 我们还可以提供其他粗粮像小麦,大麦和高粱。

    We can also offer other coarse grain like Wheat , Barley and Sorghum .

  18. 粗粮、豆类和块茎作物研究和开发中心

    Centre for research and development of coarse grains , pulses , roots and tuber crops

  19. 黑米,米粉、豆类和粗粮也包括在内。

    Brwon rice , rice noodles , legumes and non-wheat grains should also be included .

  20. 健康专家称研究证明粗粮对健康非常重要。

    Health experts said the study proved that whole grains were essential for good health .

  21. 建议大学生平时多食水果、鱼虾、奶类及奶制品和粗粮杂粮。

    The students should eat more fruits , fish and shrimp , milk and coarse grains .

  22. 既解决了增加粗粮,又节省客户自己加工的时间。

    Both has solved the increase coarse edible grain , and saves the time which customer process .

  23. 粗粮和瘦肉蛋白的另一半,配合一些乳制品。

    Whole grains and lean protein make up the other half , with a side of dairy .

  24. 粗粮还可以增加身体内的抗氧化物质,来对抗可能引起癌症的自由基。

    They are also believed to boost levels of antioxidants which combat free-radicals which are linked to cancer .

  25. 对于女孩子来说,痤疮与饮食中粗粮及新鲜蔬菜摄入不足更是有明显关联。

    In girls , there was a significant link between acne and diet low in raw and fresh vegetables .

  26. 每吃16克粗粮可降低7%的总死亡率,以及5%的癌症死亡率。

    Each 16 gram serving lowered the risk of total death by seven percent , and cancer by 5 percent .

  27. 父母要每周送来糙米,粗粮面包和其他保健食品。

    Parents were sent weekly tips , recipes and coupons for brown rice , whole grain bread and other healthful foods .

  28. 宫廷豪门内供养着大批不能穿粗衣吃粗粮的乐工女伎。

    In their palaces lived huge numbers of women musicians and dancers who did not wear shabby clothes or eat harsh food .

  29. 因此,人们多吃粗粮、水果和蔬菜可降低患高血压的几率。

    Therefore , people eat more coarse grains , fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of suffering from high blood pressure .

  30. 富含多糖的食物包括粗粮、面、面包、米饭、土豆和蔬菜。

    Examples of foods that are high in complex carbohydrates include cereals , pasta , breads , rice , potatoes , and vegetables .