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  • thick filament
  1. 家蚕和野桑蚕粗肌丝结构基因的研究由蚕茧产生的纤维,提供针织品所需的细丝。

    Gene Clone of Thick Filament Gene in B. Mandarina and B. Mori fibers from silkworm cocoons provide threads for knitting .

  2. 此外,肌节的缩短发生于细肌丝沿粗肌丝“滑行”之际

    Instead , sarcomere shortening occurs when the thin filaments'slide " by the thick filaments .

  3. 而有着水解ATP并将化学能转换为动能的重要功能的粗肌丝是飞行的基础。

    And the flying ability of insects based on myosin filament , the functions of which are transferring chemical energy to kinetic energy as well as hydrolyzing ATP .

  4. 螯虾横纹肌粗肌丝超微结构的计算机图象分析

    Computer Image Analysis of the Ultrastructure of Thick Myofilament of Crayfish Striated Muscle

  5. 此外,肌节的缩短发生于细肌丝沿粗肌丝滑行之际。

    Instead , sarcomere shortening occurs when the thin filaments " slide " by the thick filaments .

  6. 由微丝聚集成束,再与肌球蛋白纤维(粗肌丝)结合共同组成细胞收缩装置&应力纤维。

    The stress fibers ( SF ) are the contractile apparatus of VSMC , which is composed of microfilament bundles and myosin filaments ( thick myofilaments ) .

  7. 针刺对平滑肌粗肌丝调节具有调整作用,其调整作用是通过改变肌球蛋白轻链激酶,肌球蛋白,肌动蛋白含量而实现的,而与钙调蛋白无关。

    The regulative effects of acupuncture on mechanism of thick myofilament in smooth muscle contraction is relevant to the effects of chaning gastrointestinal tissue contents of myosin light chain kinase , myosin , smooth muscle actin and C-kit .

  8. 而粗肌丝结构的研究,无论是对于探讨昆虫飞行机制的理论基础,还是在害虫扩散、迁移的预测,或资源昆虫的养殖驯化中,都有着重要的意义。

    The study of myosin filament structure is meaningful in many ways , including the rationale of flying mechanism of insect , the prediction of pest extension and migration , as well as the cultivation and training of resource insect .

  9. 尾吊诱发的模拟失重效应可能通过抑制ERK在大鼠股动脉粗、细肌丝调节中的作用从而损伤其收缩反应。

    Simulated microgravity may attenuate the contractile responses of femoral arteries by inhibiting the ERK in thick and thin filament regulatory pathways .