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ěr bèi
  • hard of hearing
耳背 [ěr bèi]
  • [hard of hearing] 耳朵听力不大好。又说耳闭

耳背[ěr bèi]
  1. 我祖母有点儿耳背,你得大声喊。

    My grandmother is hard of hearing & you 'll have to shout .

  2. 老太太耳背,转向老头问:“他说什么?”

    The woman , hard of hearing , turned to her husband and asked , " What did he say ? "

  3. 我耳背——你得大声说。

    I 'm quite deaf — you 'll have to speak up .

  4. 那个耳背的人向前倾斜着身子,以便听清谈话。

    The partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly .

  5. 他稍微有点耳背。

    He is slightly deaf .

  6. 我有些耳背&请仔细说清楚。

    I 'm a little deaf & please articulate carefully .

  7. 老人耳背,听话听不真了。

    The old man is hard of hearing and can 't hear clearly .

  8. 老太太有些耳背,你说话大声点儿。

    The old lady is a bit hard of hearing . louder , please .

  9. C组36例,保留中央血管和耳背神经,切断前后边缘静脉,作对照组。

    In group C ( 36 cases ), as control group , anterior and posterior marginal veins were cut , while central vessel and auditory nerve were kept .

  10. 兔耳背植入人工真皮支架模型的应用评价

    The evaluation of rabbit model for artificial dermal scaffold in vivo

  11. 科学能帮助耳背的人听得清楚一些。

    Science can help the hard of hearing to hear better .

  12. 别看他好像耳背,他每个字都听得见。

    Despite his seeming deafness , he could hear every word .

  13. 这只猫喜欢人搔它的耳背。

    The cat likes to be scratched behind its ears .

  14. 他耳背,妨碍他听得准确。

    His dull ears prevented Hin from hearing properly .

  15. 耳背割治法治疗132例银屑病疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of treating psoriasis by " cutting therapy " at the eardrum

  16. 提利昂搔搔白狼的耳背。

    Tyrion scratched the white wolf behind the ears .

  17. 他耳背得厉害,不喜欢同别人交谈。

    He was very deaf and didn 't like having to make conversation .

  18. 他用舌尖探了探她的耳背。

    He probed her pinna with his tongue .

  19. 聋的,听力受损的,和耳背的用户

    Deaf , hearing-impaired , and hard-of-hearing users

  20. 涂小量于手腕、耳背、发尾等一般喷香水的位置;

    Apply a thin layer to area where you usually apply your parfum as wrist , ear back , and hair end ;

  21. 天气好的时候,弗兰基和它的新朋友一起出来,享受清新的空气并搔搔耳背。

    On nice days , Frankie stepped outside with his new friend , enjoying the fresh air and scratches behind the ears .

  22. 医师看着礼物,慢腾腾地搔着耳背,嗽一下喉咙,游移不决地擤鼻子。

    Looking at the present , the doctor slowly scratched behind his ear , cleared his throat and blew his nose irresolutely .

  23. 萨沙走后,医师久久地瞧着大烛台,搔着耳背,沉思不语。

    After Sasha 's departure the doctor looked for a long time at the candelabra , scratched behind his ear and meditated .

  24. 方法:以免耳背急性全层皮肤缺损创面为模型,20只动物随机分成V.A。

    METHODS : A rabbit ear acute full-thickness skin loss model was established . Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into treatment group treated with V.A.

  25. 结论封闭负压引流技术能减轻创面炎症反应,加快肉芽组织生长和再上皮化速度,显著促进兔耳背急性创面愈合。

    Conclusion VAC technique can effectively control inflammation and expedite the formation of granulation tissue and reepithelization of acute wounds , so significantly promote the wounds to repair .

  26. 而从证型角度进行分组分法的,其经统计后得出的结果:与血瘀证相关的耳穴有腕、肺、内生殖器、耳背肝。

    Grouping points from the syndrome type point of view , the results of statistical : the ear and blood stasis wrist , lungs , internal genitalia , car liver .

  27. 所述吸引泵的壳体设置成一耳背式形状,即壳体与耳廊的背部形状相一致。

    The shell body of the suction pump is arranged in the ear-carried shaped , namely , the shape of the shell body accords with the shape of the back part of the auricle .