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  • Earrings;Earing;stud;Ear studs
  1. 他标志性的耳钉和之前的傲慢态度通通都不见了。

    His trademark earrings were gone and so was the arrogant manner of the past .

  2. 我想要一副耳钉。

    I want some pierced earrings .

  3. 我给Jill看了我发现的耳钉,她承认是她的。

    I showed Jill the earring , and she admitted it was hers .

  4. 一只大毛绒熊,一对钻石耳钉还有两个心形的靠枕。

    A lovely bear , a pair of diamond eardrops and two hearts .

  5. 你已经猜到莎士比亚将会戴钻石耳钉、梳不对称发型了吗?

    Would you have guessed that Shakespeare would rock a diamond stud and an asymmetrical ' do ?

  6. 在你们要分开之前,留一些信物,比如说戒指、耳钉、项链,什么都可以。

    Before one of you leave , get a set of commitment rings / studs / bracelet-anything .

  7. 除非你结婚了要带上戒指之外,其他所有的耳钉、纹身统统藏起来!

    Also only wear your wedding ring , if married , take out any earrings and cover any tattoos !

  8. 我希望他好好看我在拳台内的表现,别老看我戴什么耳钉。

    I hope he do look what I do in the ring instead of what ear rings I am wearing .

  9. 尽量精简首饰,或许可以选择一条别致的项链搭配耳钉。不要戴任何穿刺饰品,耳朵上也不要。

    Keep jewelry to a minimum - maybe a single statement necklace with stud earrings . Remove any alternative piercings that aren 't in your ears .

  10. 本实用新型结构简单、操作方便,而且出血少、疼痛感轻微,是一种卫生、安全的理想穿耳钉。

    The disposable sterilizing ear nail has simple structure , convenient operation , little bleeding and tiny ache feeling , which is an ideal ear nail with hygiene and safety .

  11. 以新潮发型、钻石耳钉和在海滩穿着布裙而著名的小贝就是“都市中性男”的典型代表。

    Beckham , famed for his fashionable hairstyles , diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach , is a metro * ual style icon par excellence .

  12. 是的,我们在打开的保险箱附近发现了一个黑珍珠耳钉,在打开的房间窗户外我们发现了湿地上有很多泥土。

    KEN : Yes , a black pearl earring near the open safe and , outside the open window of the room , I saw a lot of mud on the wet ground .

  13. 从他那修长平整的茶色夹克、修剪整齐的指甲,到左耳垂隐约闪光的小耳钉,雷贝特先生本身就是一丝不苟的最好诠释。

    From his slim , neatly pressed tan slacks to his perfectly trimmed nails and the small , gleaming stud in his left earlobe , everything about Mr. Rebete suggests a sense of well-scrubbed order .

  14. 新妈妈礼物通常是一件贵重的首饰,多为钻石耳钉、镶嵌了一圈珠宝的手链或单粒宝石的吊坠。新妈妈礼物已经成为新爸爸弥补配偶分娩痛苦的一种时髦的方式。

    Push present is always a piece of expensive jewellery , frequently diamonds stud earrings , a jewel-encircled tennis bracelet or a solitaire pendant push presents have become the posh way for new dads to compensate their partners for the agonies of childbirth .