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发束[fà shù]
  1. 急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死早期伴发束支传导阻滞对患者预后的影响

    Prognostic evaluation in bundle branch block during the early phase of acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

  2. 她把长发束起来后感到凉快多了。

    She felt so much cooler with her long hair worn up .

  3. 君坐妾之侧,长发束于脑后,英姿勃发。

    You sat by my side , long hair tied behind , cool and killing .

  4. 老妇人仔细地为她梳洗,把她银白色的秀发扎成辫子,默默梳理纠结在一起的发束。

    The old woman washed her long , silver-pale hair and gently combed out the snags , all in silence .

  5. 头发模拟的方法主要有:直接模拟、体积纹理模型、聚簇发束模型和宽松连接的粒子系统模型等。

    The main methods for simulating hair are : direct model , volumetric texture model , wisp model and loosely connected particle system , etc.

  6. 为了实现这种效果,你可以让造型师加入一些有层次感的渐变效果,发梢削尖一点或者刘海做出发束的形状,这样下巴的线条会显得柔软一些。

    To accomplish this , ask your stylist for a cut that incorporates graduated layers , razored ends or long , piece-y bangs to soften the strong lines of your jaw .

  7. 她确实拿开了纸片,但却不见那堆小鬈发,因为头发都断送在纸片里了。吓坏了的发型师把一段烧焦的发束放在受害人前面的柜子上。

    She did take off the papers , but no cloud of appeared , for the hair came with the papers , and the horrified hairdresser laid a row of little bundles on the bureau before her victim .

  8. 在这个阶段,原先生长着的头发与毛囊底部分离,新的股发束的生长将其从毛囊中推出去,最后与皮肤分开时,毛囊进入了新的毛发生长初期。

    During this phase , the previously growing hair detaches from the base of the follicle , and is eventually shed from the skin as it is pushed out of the follicle by the growth of new hair strand that occurs when the follicle enters a new anagen phase .

  9. 55例(71.4%)符合原因不明的病窦综合征或原发性传导束退化症(PHBD)。

    Most of the patients ( 71.4 % ) fell into the SSS of unknown cause or primary His bundle degeneration ( PHBD ) .

  10. 这一新发现就是这种蛋白质,处于发状纤维束的适当位置。

    And this is one of the new findings that we have is the protein that is at the tip of the hair bundles right at the correct place .

  11. 本文提出一个对于具有初始发散度的粒子束流在四极透镜对的作用下,实现X、Y平面时腰腰传输的图解设计方法。

    A graphical design method in which a partical beam with initial divergence can realize waist to waist transport in both X and Y planed simultaneously by means of quadrupole doublet is presented .

  12. 所以叫毛细胞,是因为这种细胞有一个发状的纤维束。

    The name giving part for the hair cell is so-called a hair bundle .

  13. 9例新发完全性右束支传导阻滞,均为持久性。

    Complete right bundle branch block ( CRBB ) was found in 9 patients and all of them were permanent .

  14. 浓密的长发使她显得特别美丽,但为了方便,一头长发通常被她束入发网。

    Her long , thick hair was her one beauty , but it was usually bundled into a net , to be out of her way .