
  1. 现在,人们发现它正在前往威尼托,威尼托尚未发布逮捕令。

    He has now been spotted heading for Veneto , which has not ( yet ) issued a warrant .

  2. 鉴于其Xbox游戏机大获成功,而新款Surface平板电脑即将发布,令消费者购买设备对微软来说比以往任何时候都更重要。

    With its hugely successful Xbox gaming console and the new surface tablet coming out , getting consumers to buy its gear has never been more important .

  3. 英国BBC《犯罪观察》节目曾在2012年发布通缉令,称罗宾逊曾在北京一所学校当外籍教师并在北京生活。

    A Crimewatch appeal in 2012 provided information that Robinson had been living and working in schools in Beijing .

  4. 意大利:意大利卫生部于近期发布部令,要求对意大利市场上的使用DMFU做防霉剂的产品进行没收和检测。

    Italy : The government recently issued an order requiring all products using DMFU as mildew-proof agent to be confiscated and undergo testing .

  5. 美国总统发布行政令,迫使纽约证交所采取行动。

    The U.S. president issued an executive order the stock exchange take action .

  6. 1388年,国王发布授权令。

    In 1388 the Crown issued commissions .

  7. 对那辆车发布搜查令。

    Issue a search for that car .

  8. 本,把她的照片发出去,发布通缉令

    Ben , fly her picture . Let 's get a bolo broadcast out on her .

  9. 按照贸易法还可获得一种非传统的救济方法,即发布披露令,要求披露信息或刊登广告。

    A non-traditional remedy available pursuant to the act is a disclosure order requiring the disclosure of information or the publishing of advertisements .

  10. 该财团寻求法院发布禁制令以阻止这些生产商的侵权行为,并向它们以及谷歌索赔,索赔数额不详。

    Rockstar is seeking injunctions to prevent the handset makers from infringing its patents and pursuing unspecified damages from the handset makers and Google .

  11. 斯诺登表示,如果检察官同意在等待审判期间不对他的儿子发布禁言令,不囚禁他,他会去自首。

    Snowden says his son would turn himself in if prosecutors would agree not to impose a gag order or to jail him pending trial .

  12. 海牙国际刑事法庭向卡扎菲发布通缉令,指控其危害人类罪名。卡扎菲已经有几个月没有出现在公众视线中。

    Gadhafi , wanted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague , Netherlands , for alleged crimes against humanity has not been seen in public in months .

  13. 大家分成小组使用推土设备修复了水道。政府官员也提议未来十年发布禁渔令,保护该地区濒临灭绝的野生鱼类。

    Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the waterways . Government officials proposed to protect the area 's endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade .

  14. 在仲裁过程中,仲裁庭认为必要时可以发布程序令、发出问题单、举行庭前会议、召开预备庭、制作审理范围书等。

    During the process of arbitration proceedings , the arbitration tribunal may issue procedural orders , send out questionnaires , hold meetings before hearing , convene preliminary hearings , draw up terms of reference , etc.

  15. 1942年9月21日,蒋介石发布手令,提议裁减中央冗员三分之一,移往西北垦殖或开发实业,其主要动机是为即将控制新疆作铺垫。

    Chiang Kai-Shek decreed on September 21 , 1942 that one third of staff in the Nationalist Government be moved to the Northwest for industrial enterprising in order to lay foundation for control over the Xinjiang area .

  16. Waymo公司要求法官发布强制令,来限制存在争议的科技的使用。这将使优步的无人驾驶汽车不能上路。这些汽车最近刚在美国的几个地方接受了测试。

    Waymo requested a judge grant an injunction on the use of the disputed technology , which could take Uber 's self-driving fleet - currently being tested in a few locations in the US - off the roads .

  17. 北京市政府曾经两次发布禁烟令——分别是在1996年和2008年奥运会之前——每一次都被人们普遍无视,在酒店大堂、公共卫生间和健身房的更衣室,仍然烟雾弥漫。

    The municipal government has banned smoking twice before - in 1996 and before the 2008 Olympic Games - and each time the ban was widely ignored , with smoke continuing to waft through hotel lobbies , public lavatories and gym locker rooms .

  18. 从各类促销广告到公安局官方微博上发布的通缉令,“hold住”简直无处不在。

    Before long the word has been used everywhere , from sales promotion ads to wanted postings on police microblogs .

  19. 安全委员会发布的召回令将允许美国联邦航空委员会(FAA)禁止乘客携带该手机登机。

    The recall by the safety commission will allow the US Federal Aviation Administration to ban passengers from carrying the phones on planes .

  20. 虽然修正数据的发布出人意料,令一些市场参与者感到不安,但它们没有超出日本GDP预测值通常的误差范围。杰瑟普在一份研究报告中写道:我们不会过多解读这些数据。

    While the revisions were a surprise that had unnerved some market participants , they were within the usual margin of error of Japanese GDP estimates and we would not read too much into them , Mr Jessop wrote in a research note .

  21. 今天,受理案件的法官应就这项禁令发布初步禁止令,但是他们暂停了裁决。

    The judges in the case should put preliminarily injunction on the ban today but then suspended this ruling .

  22. 美国最高法院发布紧急延期令,阻止犹他州的同性夫妻享有全部的配偶福利。

    US Supreme Court has issued an emergency stay blocking full spousal benefits for same-sex married couples in Utah .

  23. 此前已发布了限制令,禁止这名外交官在此期间同妻子有任何联系。

    A restraining order was issued , barring the diplomat from having any contact with his wife in the meantime .

  24. 哈默坡的警方表示,工作人员正在调查这起事件,并且已经发布了搜索令来找寻这两人。

    Hamirpur police said officers were investigating the incident and a search operation has been launched to locate the pair .

  25. 当一个案件判决后,法院得决定依据第一段发布的禁止令是否继续适用。

    When the case is adjudicated the court shall decide whether a prohibition issued under the first paragraph shall continue to apply .

  26. 该委员会还表示其正在配合三星行动,希望三星尽快发布正式召回令。

    It also said it was working with Samsung and hoped to have an official recall " as soon as possible . "

  27. 尼泊尔政府还从4月29日开始对加德满都谷地实行封锁,并在该国不同地区发布了限制令。

    The Nepali government also imposed a lockdown across Kathmandu Valley starting from April 29 and restrictions have been issued in different parts of the country .

  28. 道琼斯开市后,美国政府计划取出大量花旗集团股份,消息发布后,令投资者非常关注,股票市场下跌。

    When the Dow opened news that US government is planning to take a large stake in Citigroup made investors nervous and sent the equity markets down .

  29. 但是目前并不会颁发结婚证书,法官欣克尔发布了暂缓令,有效期至上诉程序完成。

    No marriage license , though , would be issued for now , Judge Hinkle issued a stay on his order until the appeal process is complete .

  30. 国际刑事警察组织发布红色通缉令,要求逮捕一名美国外交官的妻子,此人在英国酿成车祸导致一名年轻男子死亡。

    The International Criminal Police Organization has issued a Red Notice for the arrest of a U.S. diplomat 's wife over a car crash that killed a young man in Britain .