
  • 网络issued shares
  1. 上周五,英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)发布了一项出人意料的公告:对于正在配股的股票,如果空头头寸超过全部已发行股的0.25%,卖空者必须做出披露。

    On Friday the financial services authority made a surprise announcement that short sellers would have to disclose short positions in stocks undergoing rights issues if they amounted to more than 0.25 per cent of the total shares outstanding .

  2. 假如中国石油全部已发行股都按这一价格计算,那么它的市值将达到1.08万亿美元,几乎是行业巨头埃克森美孚的两倍。

    Applying that price to all of PetroChina 's outstanding shares would give the company a market capitalization of around $ 1.08 trillion , twice that of industry giant Exxon Mobil Corp.

  3. 它除了去年11月成功发行股卷,筹资4个亿之外,更是首家生产大批量镉碲太阳能板的公司。

    Besides completing a successful stockmarket flotation last November , in which it raised $ 400m , it is the first company to produce large quantities of cadmium telluride-based solar panels .

  4. 诺基亚表示,其已提出以新发行股的每0.55股兑换一股阿尔卡特朗讯股,约高出关于潜在合并的消息公布之前朗讯股价达三分之一。

    Nokia said that it had offered 0.55 of a new share for each Alcatel-Lucent share , roughly a one-third premium to the company 's stock price before the news of a potential deal was first announced .

  5. 如果中国石油全部已发行股用H股价格(周一收于18港元)计算,它的市值接近4240亿美元。

    But if you apply the price of PetroChina 's Hong Kong-listed shares -- HK $ 18 ( US $ 2.32 ) each , as of yesterday 's close -- to all PetroChina 's outstanding shares , then the company is valued at closer to $ 424 billion .

  6. 我看到有篇文章说,苹果的现金储备差不多等于整个匈牙利的GDP,所以也许某个激进主义的股东应该推动苹果收购匈牙利,而不是干些小打小闹的事情(比如增加股息,或者发行优先股)。

    I had read somewhere that Apple 's cash pile was equivalent to Hungary 's GDP so perhaps an activist shareholder should push an acquisition of Hungary rather than thinking small ( e.g. , increasing dividends or issuing preferred stock ) .

  7. 不过,一些aig高管担心,优先股转换会导致大量发行普通股,由此严重稀释非政府股东所持股份的价值。

    However , some AIG executives are worried that the conversion would lead to the issuance of a large amount of common stock and result in a severe dilution in the value of the holdings of non-government shareholders .

  8. 因为没有发行追加股,他们感到不满。

    They are disgruntled because no additional shares were issued .

  9. 许多企业还拒不发行优先股。

    Many are also deciding against issuing preference shares .

  10. 发行优先股能支持这样的派息。

    Issuing preference stock would support these payouts .

  11. 第三章介绍企业发行优先股可能面临的机遇和挑战。

    The third section is about opportunities and challenges to issue preferred stock for the companies .

  12. 在企业进行公司制改造时,通常会发行国家股、法人股和个人股。

    Any state-owned enterprise transforming into a company will issue state-owned shares , corporation shares and individual shares .

  13. 讽刺的是,赋予股东阻止发行优先股的权力,若放在其他公司,会被认为是对股东友好的举措。

    Ironically , giving shareholders the power to prevent preferred issuance would be considered shareholder friendly at a different company .

  14. 8%优先股,面值10美元,赎回价每股11美元,核定并发行20股

    8 % preferred stock , $ 10 par value , call price $ 11 per share , authorized and issued 20 shares

  15. 公司通过发行普通股或优先股使投资者获得股权来筹集资金。

    Raising funds by offering ownership in a corporation through the issuing of shares of a corporation 's common or preferred stock .

  16. 在向美国政府发行优先股,以筹集迫切所需资金后,花期集团面临削减成本的强大压力。

    The sale comes as Citigroup faces intense pressure to cut costs after issuing preference shares to the US government to raise much-needed capital .

  17. 820亿美元的流动性盈余,使美林处于有利的地位。同时,塞恩还可以通过发行优先股筹集更多的资本。

    Its $ 82bn in excess liquidity put the bank in a strong position and he could raise more capital by issuing preferred shares .

  18. 本周早些时候,监管部门宣布,企业将获准发行优先股来筹资。优先股是介乎股票和债券之间的一种混合资本工具。

    Earlier this week , regulators announced that companies would be allowed to issue preferred shares a hybrid between equity and debt to raise capital .

  19. 有价证券-永恒的持股普通股,面值5美元,核准10股,发行30股(其中3股是持有的库藏股)

    Common stock , $ 5 par value , authorized 10 Shares , issued 30 shares ( of which 3 are held in the treasury )

  20. 昨日,夏普表示将通过向鸿海发行普通股募集35亿美元,并通过向其发行一批优先股再募集9亿美元。

    Yesterday , Sharp said that it would raise $ 3.5bn by selling common shares to Hon Hai , raising a further $ 900m from a tranche of preferred shares .

  21. 使媒体尤为浓墨重彩的是2003年初收购韩国现代半导体株式会社业务持续进行有关的资产、房产和权益以及收购冠捷科技已发行普通股总数26.36%比例的股份。

    What BOE attracted people 's attention were its acquisition of TFT-LCD business of HYDIS on Jan.22,2003 , and purchase of26.36 % of the issued common shares of Top Victory Technology Co.

  22. 因此,如果公司只发行普通股,每股账面价值的计算为股东权益总额除以发行在外的股数。

    Thus in a corporation which has issued common stock only , the book value per share is computed by dividing total Stockholders ' equity by the number of shares outstanding .

  23. 政府救助方案还将安排向花旗注入200亿美元新资本,为此,花期需要向政府发行优先股,每年支付8%的股息。

    The arrangement also provides for the injection of $ 20bn in new capital to Citi , for which the bank will issue preferred shares to the government , paying dividends at 8 per cent annually .

  24. 混合证券不仅赋予持有者公司所有权,还支付固定利率。混合证券还通过发行普通股,使银行得以提高其监管资本金要求,同时不会稀释其现有股东的股权比例。

    Hybrid securities , which give holders ownership of the company but also pay a fixed interest rate , also enable banks to boost their regulatory capital requirements without diluting their existing shareholder base by issuing common equity .

  25. 为此,GoldOne表示将向该财团发行1.887亿股新股,发行价为每股0.53澳元。

    Hence , Gold One said it would issue 188.7m new shares for the consortium at A $ 0.53 a share .

  26. 那些由苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)和德意志银行(deutschebank)等稳健、大型、知名公司发行的优先股遭遇抛售,正将它们转变为高收益率的工具。

    The sell-off of healthy , large-cap , brand-name company preferreds , such as those issued by the Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank , are transforming them into high-yield instruments .

  27. 位于加州旧金山的Twitter公司表示,它计划在公开市场发行700万股股票,发行价在17美元到20美元之间,共计募资14亿美元。

    The San Francisco-based company said that it plans to raise upwards of $ 1.4 billion , by selling 70 million shares at between $ 17 and $ 20 per share .

  28. 阿里巴巴是电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的在线商务上市子公司,通过其网站将中国的制造商与批发商撮合在一起。阿里巴巴在招股说明书中称,公司将以10至12港元的价格发行8.589亿股股票,占扩大后股本的17%。

    Alibaba.com , which matches Chinese manufacturers with wholesale buyers through its website , will sell 858.9m shares , or 17 per cent of its enlarged share capital , at a price between HK $ 10 and HK $ 12 , according to its preliminary prospectus .

  29. 其次为MillennialMedia,这家位于巴尔的摩的移动广告平台服务商在3月28日夜间筹集了1.33亿美元,发行1020万股,每股定价13美元(该股3月30日开盘价为25.58美元)。

    It was followed by millennial media ( mm ) , a baltimore-based mobile advertising platform that on Wednesday night raised $ 133 million by pricing 10.2 million shares at $ 13 per share ( it opened today at $ 25.58 ) .

  30. Fitbit计划发行2240万股,按照上述定价区间的高端计算,将可筹集3.58亿美元资金用于一般性企业用途。同时,包括创始人在内的现有投资者将出售750万股,最高套现1.2亿美元。

    Fitbit intends to sell 22.4m shares , raising up to $ 358m for general corporate purposes , at the top end of the range , while existing investors , including the company 's founders , will sell 7.5m shares for up to $ 120m .