
  • 网络Hair quality;Hair texture;normal hair
  1. 我自己长出来的。你知道么,Joey的发质也很好!噢!

    I grow it myself . Y'know who also has great hair is Joey !

  2. 为什么不试一下Slack?我现在正用这种它能帮助改善发质。

    B : Why not try Slack ? I 'm using it now and it helps improve your hair quality .

  3. 她的头发浓密亮泽,发质好得没话说。

    Her hair was thick , glossy and in tip-top condition .

  4. 你头发的发质与健康状况都应改善。

    Both the texture and condition of your hair should improve

  5. 你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。

    You 'll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition

  6. 天然竹提取物调理发丝润泽度,修护发质。

    Natural bamboo extract , hair nourishing , recuperate repair hair .

  7. 我得说,这要看发质。

    I 'd say it rather depends on the hair .

  8. 这完全取决于你的发质。

    It all comes down tothe texture of your hair .

  9. 蓝莓对好皮肤和有光泽的发质都有神奇的功效。

    Blueberries are amazing for good skin as well as lustrous hair .

  10. 乔伊的发质也很好

    You know who also has great hair is Joey .

  11. 其它考虑包括发质、发类。

    Other considerations include the hair 's type and texture .

  12. 过多的烫发和染发会对发质造成损害。

    Too much perming and coloring can be harmful .

  13. 叫shampoo.现在你可以在超市里买到适合所有发质的洗发水。

    B : Ok , that 's called shampoo .

  14. 这是因为油性发质的头发比较容易粘在一起。

    That is because oily hair tends to sticktogether .

  15. 马克:是的,每个人的肤质和发质都是不一样的。

    Mark : Yeah , each person 's skin and hair is different .

  16. 而且,据美国广播公司报道,长期这么做会损害你的发质。

    Plus , as ABC reported , it can damage your hair overtime .

  17. 另外,干性发质的人更适合剪空气刘海。

    Also , people with dry hair are moresuited to having see-through bangs .

  18. 根据客人的发质、颜色和所需形状来选择。

    We select them according the client 's hair nature , color and shape .

  19. 发刷和梳子发刷和梳子不能太硬,以免损伤你的发质。

    Brush and comb These should be soft enough not to damage your hair .

  20. 适用于所有发质,具有修复,柔软,顺滑的效果。

    For all type of hair . Repair , softness and smoothness in result .

  21. 不同种类的发质和其结构,密集的系统化护理是很重要的。

    For different hairs and structures , intensive , systematic care is very important .

  22. 即使是极干性的发质也能迅速恢复天然的强健,柔顺和亮泽。

    Even the most dehydrated hair quickly regains its original strength , suppleness and shine .

  23. 当然这里面有实际的必要性,我的发质稀疏平直。

    This is partly out of practical necessity : it is indeed thin and lank .

  24. 这种特殊的香波会改善你的发质。

    This special shampoo strengthens your hair .

  25. 你的头发的发质很好。

    You have really great hair .

  26. 护发精华适用于所有发质类型,只要少量就可以了。

    Creams work for all hair types , and all you need is a small amount .

  27. 适合正常发质电发使用。

    Uniquely for normal hair .

  28. 矿物油,葵花油,与椰子油对于预防发质受损的效果。

    Effect of mineral oil , sunflower oil , and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage .

  29. 发质损伤的基础研究对发用类产品发展趋势的影响

    The Effect of the Basic Research of Hair Damage on the Development Trend of Hair Care Products

  30. 不论你是油性或干性发质,都不要让护发素接触头皮。

    Whether you have oily or dry hair , never apply your hair conditioner to the scalp .