
yú qī dài kuǎn
  • overdue loans;delay penalty
  1. 俄罗斯第二大私有银行阿尔法银行(AlfaBank)上周警告,其逾期贷款已接近10%,相关拨备可能使今年的利润荡然无存;该行总裁曾说过,全行业的不良贷款率可能高达20%。

    Alfa Bank , Russia 's number two privately owned bank , warned last week that its overdue loans were nearing 10 per cent and provisions might wipe out this year 's profits ; its president has said sector-wide NPLs could reach 20 per cent .

  2. 今后,各行仍应对逾期贷款进行严格的统计和监测。

    From now on , each bank shall strictly account and monitor the overdue loans .

  3. 持久地寻找逾期贷款。消费者分期付款信贷

    Persistently ask for overdue payment . consumer installment credit

  4. 持久地寻找逾期贷款。

    Persistently ask for overdue payment .

  5. 据花旗称,当季核心业务&消费者银行的逾期贷款总额下降了31%。

    The bank said the volume of delinquent loans in its core consumer banking unit fell 31 % .

  6. 中国信贷有大约人民币7410万元逾期贷款,占该公司总贷款组合的9.1%。

    Credit China has about 74.1 million yuan in past-due loans , or 9.1 % of the company 's total loan portfolio .

  7. 俄罗斯央行的数据显示,最近几个月来,逾期贷款率已增加一倍,达到3%。

    Overdue loans have doubled in recent months to about 3 per cent , according to figures from Russia 's central bank .

  8. 对逾期贷款应按中国人民银行有关规定进行统计与监测。

    The overdue loans shall , according to the relevant regulations of the people 's Bank of china , be accounted and monitored .

  9. 舜天公司刚刚发现自己成了法庭上的被告,中国最大的一家银行要求法院判处这家公司破产,以便赔偿它所欠下的逾期贷款。

    Sainty Marine just found itself in court , as one of China 's biggest banks asked to dismantle the company to recoup overdue loans .

  10. 贷款五级分类是商业银行改革的重大举措,利用马尔可夫链状态转移矩阵可对商业银行逾期贷款进行分析与预测;

    The 5-C loan of commercial bank is the key method of reformation , and which can be analyzed and forecasted by markov shift matrix ;

  11. 另一个重要指标是准备金与逾期贷款的比例,因为许多此类贷款可能被迫冲销。

    Another important measure involves comparing the reserve to the amount of loans that are past-due because many of these may have to be written off .

  12. 尽管各银行报告的细节有所不同,但几乎所有主要银行都报告不良贷款小幅增长,同时逾期贷款增长的幅度则要大得多。

    While the details were different at every bank , virtually all of the leading institutions reported a small increase in bad loans and a much larger increase in overdue loans .

  13. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜宣布偿还拖欠巴黎俱乐部19个债权国总额达67亿美元的逾期贷款。

    Argentina 's president , Cristina Fern á ndez de Kirchner , announced that the country would repay $ 6.7 billion in long overdue loans to the Paris Club of19 sovereign creditors .

  14. 分析师表示,尽管不用担心不良贷款的上升,但更大的风险在于,此类数据是否真实反映出了逾期贷款的真实水平。

    Analysts say that while the reported rise in bad loans is not cause for concern , the bigger risk is that such figures fail to reflect the true extent of delinquencies .

  15. 商业银行采用以贷还贷的方式清收逾期贷款,在目前商业银行贷款业务中非常普遍。

    AS a way of handling the overdue loans , the contract of Repaying loan with loan ( hereinafter referred to as the RLWL ) is very common in the loan business of commercial banks .

  16. 面临止赎或至少有一次偿还逾期的贷款比例升至13.16%,为该协会自1972年开始记录此项数据以来的最高水平,较第一季度上升逾一个百分点。

    The percentage of loans in foreclosure or with at least one payment past due rose to 13.16 per cent , the highest since the MBA began records in 1972 and a jump of more than a percentage point since the first quarter .

  17. 候选自变量来源于信用卡客户的逾期行为、贷款行为、交易行为、取现行为、还款行为和消费行为信息。

    Candidate variables are derived from the overdue behavior , loan behavior , trading behavior , payment behavior , consumer behavior and cash behavior .

  18. 但这些仅计算了逾期利息和贷款本金的逾期部分;按照国际定义,不良贷款可能要高出3到4倍。

    But these count only overdue interest and the overdue portion of loan principal ; under international definitions , NPLs may be three or four times higher .

  19. 这让那些不名一文的亲戚们得以偿还逾期支票和抵押贷款,实际上也是利用别人的资源来借款。

    This will allow the impecunious members to pay off bad cheques and mortgages , in effect borrowing against the resources of the others .