
  • 网络Passover Seder
  1. 最后的晚餐就是逾越节晚餐。

    The last supper was a seder .

  2. 而约翰福音中的最后的晚餐不是逾越节晚餐。

    The Last Supper in John is not a Passover meal .

  3. 不仅仅是为了所有你做的逾越节晚餐。

    Not only for all the wonderful saders you 've made .

  4. 吃羊羔的时候,手里还要拿着杖。而且要赶紧地吃,这是神的逾越节晚餐!

    And eat it in a hurry . This is the Lord 's passover meal .

  5. 传统的逾越节晚餐,耶稣和他的信徒们在他受难的前夕举行的。

    The traditional Passover supper of Jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion .

  6. 最后的晚餐,符类福音中最后的晚餐是逾越节晚餐。

    The Last Supper , the Last Supper in the synoptic Gospels is a Passover meal .

  7. 在他被卖的那天晚上,当他和最亲近的12门徒一起过逾越节的晚餐时,他为门徒洗脚的这个举动,对他自身的文化来说,是不可思议的。

    On the night of his betrayal , when he celebrated a meal with his12 closest disciples , he did the culturally unthinkable by washing their feet .

  8. 这三次包括逾越节这一次晚餐,早四天以前的用餐和最后的晚餐。

    Including this one , one4 days earlier and The Last Supper .